Chapter 37

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I wake under a forest canopy and for a moment I think I am having another dream. But then I sit up, and my head throbs so I know it isn't. I feel around to the back of it and feel my hair in a matted damp knot. I pull my fingers back and they are covered in blood. The sun is well and truly up, and when I trie to stand, I almost faint. I look about myself and realise I am still in the arena. Well, what used to be the arena. Most of the trees have fallen over and some have caught alight and are crackling away slowly. About a hundred meters away is the lake. I look around myself and suddenly, I spot a small body in between the trees. Their curly brown hair catches my attention. Daisy.

I run to her. She is lying in a small patch of flowers. Daises. How ironic. She has a bleeding arm and a deep cut along her cheek. She is unconscious in the flowers and her breathing is sharp and short.

"Oh Daisy...." I whisper, a tear falling down my cheek.

I run my hands over her face. Her forehead is boiling. A fever.

She starts whispering in her dreams.

"Prim...." She whispers. "No... Don't do it..."

"Shhh.... I'm right here." I say.

"No! Go!" She says, louder.

"it's ok, I'm fine." I whisper to her.

"No! Leave! I can't do this!" she is shouting by now and shaking in her dream. She grabs at the grass. I start to panic.

"Help! Someone!" I shout.

"Go away! Leave her alone!" Daisy shouts.

"HELP! Bonnie! Juliet! Someone, help!"

I jump up and start running in desperate search of another person. My head starts to go fuzzy and I suddenly feel extremely lightheaded. I keep on running though. Then the trees start to spin and I fall over.

The last thing I see before I close my eyes is a figure running through the trees towards me.



I finally spot Prim, and she falls down. I run to her and Look her over. She has a nasty cut on the back of her head which has bled all over her blonde hair. She is still breathing but it is thick and pained. I look up and see Daisy a little way away.

"Juliet! Ruby! Hurry! I found Prim and Daisy!" I shout. Soon enough, they run through the trees and kneel down beside me.

Juliet's necklace glows and the cut on the back of Prim's head heals over. Her necklace, instead of being its old plain green, now swirls with four different colors. Blue, red, green and purple. I push her hair out of the way and see that Prim's is the same.

Juliet closes her eyes and squints, concentrating. A small stream of water comes from the lake. It was strange. When they had combined the three powers, they all must have gotten extra powers. Now Juliet could control water and fire. Of course, not as good as she could control plants and healing, and she had to concentrate hard, but she still could do it.

She stops using the powers and the water drops over prim's hair. I wash a little of the blood out of it while Juliet moves onto Daisy.

Soon enough, they finish on Daisy and I help lift her up and lay her next to Primrose.



This time I know I'm having a dream. I am back home, in district 12, sitting in our old house by the meadow, even though I know it was blown up. I'm sitting, staring out the window when the door opens. Katniss walks in, holding a fresh deer. She lays it down on the table and then sees me.

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