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Harry's POV

I can feel the wind and rain cut through my clothes as Anna and I dart towards the tree line at the back of the cemetery. It's odd to say that I actually feel more alive while I'm with Anna then I do with anyone else I have ever met. It may seem silly to say, but she has honestly allowed me to feel and do things that I probably would have never done if I hadn't had met her. Everyday that I'm not with her I have this urge to find her and be with this stunning girl, but I know our time is limited and that saddens me deeply to know there may come a day when she never shows back up, that her body and soul had passed and moved on to the afterlife. I try not to think about how that could very well happen, but I would rather prepare myself for it then it comes as a shock.

"I think we are far enough back now that we can slow down." Anna says, after seeing me struggle to keep up. I'm panting and probably sweating like a pig if it weren't for the rain she would probably be able to tell how sweaty and gross I actually am.

"Good idea. I could use a break," I laugh, while grabbing at my chest. We slow our pace down as we near closer to the thick, green forest that sits only fifty feet away. I decide I will rest for a minute before continuing on into the woods. I take a seat near the grave of Daniel Sexton. I stare at the stone, hoping it will tell me who this young boy was.

"He was a sweet child." I look up to see Anna motioning towards the grave, she has this gloomy look upon her face and I can't help but ask,

"You knew this boy? Where you two related in anyway?" My mind is swirling with questions and I can only hope she will have the answers. Anna seems hesitant to speak, like she is keeping a secret from me and is afraid of my reaction.

"I want to be completely honest with you, Harry, but you will never understand what I am telling you without me explaining everything and I'm not a hundred percent sure if I'm ready to let all of this out." I know now this must be something that is obviously big and a very long kept secret.

"Please don't be afraid to tell me. I promise I won't judge you or whatever you're so worried about." I want her to reveal this to me so bad, but I also don't want her to feel forced into it.

"It's not something I can just tell you in the matter of minutes, Daniel played a very big role in how everything came to be in my life and I think he has something to do with why I can't cross over." Anna takes a seat beside the stone and runs her hand across the area where his name is engraved at. I know whatever she is keeping from me is big, but I've been wanting to know about this boy for weeks now.

"Please, Anna." I gently place my hand on her right cheek and turn her face to look at me. I stare into her vivid eyes and say, " Please." She turns away from my gaze and faces the stone again and starts to run her hands against the surface. She begins to hum a sweet melody which turns into her singing what sounds to be some sort of lullaby. Her timid voice sings lowly as she finishes off the song.

"Daniel was my son." The words leave her lips and I'm shocked, how could I have missed this? All those books I read on them, how could I have skimmed over the part about Anna being a mother? I know if Anna could feel any sort of emotion she would probably be extremely upset, especially while singing that beautiful song.

"I'm really sorry for your lost, but what happened to him?" I want to know more and more and even though my heart is telling me to just be grateful she told me this much, my brain is dying to know more answers. Anna glances over at me and says,

"This is the part where I would have to explain everything." The rain continues to pour down upon us and I begin to chill slightly, even though it's the middle of summer. I want Anna to reveal everything to me, but I know it won't be easy for her.

"I'm all ears, please whatever you're afraid of I will promise not to do or judge you in any way." I'm practically begging her now just to release any type of information on her past and what happened to her son. I care for her so much and I just want to get to know her better.

"Okay, I will." She finally says after not speaking for several minutes.

| Authors Note |

I know this chapter was short and I left you guys are a cliffhanger, but I really wanted to update plus I haven't figured out how much I will reveal to you guys since there is a big plot twist that will be coming up.


Dedicated to: @allyismee

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