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I wake to the blinding sun seeping through my bedroom window through the thin curtains. I toss and turn hoping to get away from the light and get a couple more hours of sleep. After failing to do so, I sit up in bed and stretch my limbs. I hop out of bed and head towards the kitchen in only my loose basketball shorts. When I step foot inside the place I enjoy most, I am pleasantly surprised to find Anna sitting at the table. When she notices me she quickly gets up and starts to back away from me with an almost scared look running across her face.

"Anna, what's wrong? It's me, Harry." I say, stepping closer to her only for her to inch further away. Thoughts of last night start to cloud my brain and the idea of her maybe regretting what we did struck me. I had thought she wanted it as well, but maybe I read her wrong.

"Please, don't come near me." At this point, I am the one scared now. Why is she acting this way towards me? It's like she is a whole new person and I'm not fond of this new Anna.

"I don't understand. Is this about last night? Are you regretting it?" And all at once she begins to weep. Tears flow down her face, causing her cheeks to be streaked with water and her nose starts to turn a light shade of red. Within the mix of her tears she finally speaks,

"L-look out side." She stutters, pointing towards the large bay window. I tilt my head and narrow my eyes trying to figure out how the outdoors has anything to do with this. I step forward and walk over to the glass, peeping my head to look out. The sky is clear, the sun is out; everything looks so inviting, but as I am admiring the scene I realize Anna isn't supposed to be here. She is only seen when it is storming. I turn back towards her.

"How?" It seems it's the only word I am able to say. How is this possible? Just a minute ago Anna was crying, something she couldn't do before either. She has no emotions, but now she does? None of this makes sense. She shakes her head, obviously not knowing either.

"Harry, I feel different." She whispers, almost sounding afraid. I walk over to her, thankfully she doesn't back away. I grab her and embrace her into my arms. I am as confused as she is. The longer I hold her the more I realize she is warm, not cold like she once was. Anna seems to be alive. I pull back from her and stare into the young girls frighten eyes. Slowly, I raise my hand up to her neck area and check her pulse. I am surprised when she has one. How can this be possible?

"I-I don't know how to say this, but you're somehow alive..." I can barely fathom the words that leave my lips. They, in no way, seem possible or realistic. How can someone be dead one day and not the next? It doesn't make sense. What if Anna has been this way for awhile, but neither of us realized it?

"I've been dead for over a hundred years and suddenly I am alive? I don't understand." Anna seems to be as confused as I am, there's no logical way that this is real. Even though I am worried about her, there is a part of me that is kind of happy that this happened because now she isn't a ghost that I have to wait on for it to storm to be able to see her and she and I have common ground now.

"Maybe this isn't such a bad thing." I finally say, watching as Anna's face contorts into a confused and almost angered expression.

"How can this be a good thing? People don't just come back from the dead, Harry." She begins to raise her voice and I honestly find it cute. I have never seen her with so much emotion and I can't help but giggle as her face turns a shade of red and her voice peaks until she backs down and stands there with a pouted look.

"Don't be negative, be positive. Think about all the things we can do now, all the places we can go and we don't have to wait for a storm. Nothing is holding us back." I try to convince her that this is a good thing, which to me it is. Maybe it's weird for someone to transition over to mortal again, but to me it's a gift and I'm so thankful that it happened.

After several hours of just hanging around in the living room with Anna, I decide it's time to get her out of the house and explore the world again. I stand up from my sitting position on the couch and take her hand, dragging her to her feet. She protest, but doesn't fight me very long before obliging and following me to my room. I gesture for her to sit on my bed while I skim through my closet for something that she can wear, she can't be running around town in that nightgown. After a couple minutes of searching, I finally find a T-shirt that looks small enough that it won't swallow her.

"Here, I think this will fit you better than me." I say, handing her my 'Rolling Stones' tee. It has a few holes around the bottom of it, but if I'm being honest it's one of my favorite shirts I own. If I didn't truly like Anna, she wouldn't be allowed to wear it. She examines the shirt, holding it up and raising her eyebrow slightly at the holes that scatter the shirt, but none the less she takes the top and heads for the bathroom to change. While she's changing, I decide to look for some pants for her. After opening draw after draw, I finally come across an old pair of black skinny jeans that are way to small for me.

"It's a little big, but I like it." She smiles, walking out of the restroom. She looks even more stunning, radiant even. I nod my head at her, trying my best to pry my eyes away from her body. I hand her the jeans and she takes them and heads back into the other room. While she's putting those on, I find myself an outfit for the day. After picking a simple T-shirt and jeans I was ready to take on this beautiful day with an even more beautiful girl.

"Well, I guess I'm ready." She announces, walking out of the bathroom. I take her hand and pull her towards the front door. After exiting the home and locking it, we both hop into my truck. I can hardly wait to show Anna all the gorgeous things this world has to offer when the sun is out and you're alive to feel every waking moment.

| Authors Note |

SHES ALIVE!! Omg their love story is finally happening! What do you think of the plot twist?



Dedicated to: @Malakonedirection

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