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"Harry, what's going on?" fear is written all over her face as she searches mine for any kind of exclamation.

I fumble with my words, not knowing how to tell her; or if I should even tell her.

"Harry, answer me, you're starting to scare me." she grabs my hand and my eyes meet hers. Just as I'm about to speak, the sound of thunder booms outside, startling both of us.

"I-I can explain... just not right now."

After telling Madison to stay downstairs while I go see what is making that noise, even though I know exactly what it is, I take two steps at a time, just wanting to get this over with.

Once I have reached the top of the stairs, I stop at the door, taking a deep breath. I place my hand on the knob, slowly opening it. Rain pours outside as lightning strikes and thunder sounds, making this whole thing ten times more nerve-wracking.

I walk in, looking around the room for any signs of Anna. Luckily, I see none. I probably do one of the stupidest things in my life by locking the door behind me, but I have to keep Madison safe. If Anna threw that knife at me without a second thought then I don't even want to know what she will do to my Maddy.

I walk over to the window, which is no longer boarded up since I took the pieces of wood of not too long ago with Charlie. I'm about to turn around and leave, when I hear what sounds like crying. For a second I think it's Madison, but it's too close.

I slowly turn around, squinting to see in the dark, and there, sitting in the corner of the room, sits none other than Anna Sexton herself. I take a step towards her, not planning on doing anything, just making sure my eyes aren't playing a trick on me.

"What do you want?" she spits, looking up at me. I take a step back, I wasn't expecting her to speak. She has her back against the wall with her knees pulled to her chest, giving her long dress little-to-no coverage of her lower area. "Well? Are you just going to stand there, or answer me?" she glares up at me. "Or do you want me to cry some more?" I'm at a loss for words, afraid I might say the wrong thing and she will try to throw another knife at me.

"I was just seeing what all the noise was," I whisper, looking down. She laughs.

"Well, it was me breaking that mirror over there." she points towards the corner opposite of her, where there stands a broken stand-up mirror. It's shattered for the most part, only a few shards are laying on the ground.

"Why'd you break it?" I have to ask. I actually liked it.

"None of your business," she spits and stands up, fixing her dress. I take another step back, keeping my distance. I'm only being this way around her because I don't want to get another knife thrown at me, or worse: get killed by a ghost. I wonder how my mother would cope with that. She probably wouldn't.

Anna takes another step towards me. I look around me, hoping to find a weapon of some kind, but sadly there are none. I spot the glass on the ground near my feet and bend down to pick it up, but notice a pair of bare feet standing before mine. I slowly raise up, coming eye to eye with Anna.

"Boo!" I jump back at the sudden noise, making my feet come in contact with the shards of glass. I curse under my breath, as I can already feel the blood seeping out of the cuts that are bound to be covering my foot.

I stand back up, holding back the urge to cuss Anna out, and hop over to the door, unlocking it and going out right. Before I do, I stop and turn to look back at her, only to see a slightly guilty expression covering her flawless features.

"Don't come downstairs." with that, I shut the door and hobble down the stairs. Madison meets me halfway and sees my bloody foot.

"Oh my God, what happened?!" she runs up to me, trying to balance my weight on her by putting her arm under my left shoulder.

"I figured out what that noise was." I laugh painfully. "The mirror had broke and I- being the smart man that I am- stepped right on the shards." she looks at me with caring eyes.

"Oh, you poor baby." she takes me into my room and helps me up on the bed. "You stay right here and I'll go get the first aid kit." she runs off, not knowing where it even is, but I know she'll find it.

I lie back, thinking back to how sad Anna looked. She almost looked guilty, but why would she be? How could she be? She's dead, isn't she? I have so many questions, and no answers. It's like everything I knew about ghosts were just lies. Like, for one, how I thought they weren't even real; and two, they have feelings. She can cry and she's dead! How is that even possible? That's just it, I don't know, and it kills me to know that I may never find out.

"I found it!" Madison comes back with the first aid kit and opens the box, taking out band aids, cotton swabs, and some kind of disinfectant spray.

"This may hurt a little bit." she looks up at me from the floor where she's on her knee. My legs are hanging off, providing her access to my bloody foot. I nod my head, preparing myself for the sting that's destined to come.

She slowly wipes the cut, cleaning it, before taking tweezers and starting to dig out the glass. I flinch at the pain, but it's nothing I can't handle- even though I did practically cry upstairs when I stepped on the stupid thing.

After a few minutes of her just picking at my foot, she's finally done and starting to wrap it with some kind of white cloth.

"There, all better." she stands back up and smiles at me.

"Thank you." I stand up to give her a hug, but somehow her lips seem to find mine and I don't stop her. I've been waiting since the day I met her to do this, so why stop?

She starts pulling at my shirt, trying to get it unbuttoned. I let her discard it to the floor before her hands start to roam my bare chest, making my heart rate speed up. We continue to kiss before she pushes me onto the bed. My back collides with the plush mattress as her body presses against mine, and she starts to kiss my neck before I flip her over so she's resting on the bottom.

I reach over to the nightstand, turning off the light, and continue what we've started.

EDITOR: @directioneremo


Who ships Haddy? (Harry and Madison? ) :P

We need a ship name for Harry and Anna since y'all seem to ship it lol

Chapter dedicated to: @onedirectionxbae for best comment!

ily btw :)

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