chapter 44

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----OH MY GOSH. I know it's been SOOOO long since I've updated and I am seriously SO sorry. Like I know lots of you have probably been waiting, so much stuff has been happening with my life lately and i haven't had time to update. BUT IM BACK!!!!! I love you guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter. I promise I will never take this long to update ever again.----

Chase's POV
I was still sitting with Dylan in the car in front of his house not sure if I should call the cops. I glanced over at my phone, and then over at Dylan, shooting him a look saying should I? He nodded, he knows me so well. I dialed 911 and waited a couple seconds until someone picked up.
"911 What's your emergency?"
"Hi, um so last night I was with my girlfriend and she spent the night and this morning when I woke up, she wasn't there and my window was shattered. Glass was everywhere. I'm really starting to panic because I don't know what happened and she isn't answering her phone either. I just don't know what to do."
"Okay, calm down. What's your address? Are you home right now?"
"Well, no I'm not home right now because I was about to go looking for her.."
"Okay, just breathe, tell me your address I will send a few cops down there to check things out if that's okay with you." I told them that that was fine and gave her my address.
"Thank you, I assure you everything will be okay. I will give you a call soon" I said thank you and hung up.
"So.."  Dylan looked over at me. "Where should we look?"
"Um, I'm not really sure.. Dude I'm freaking out."
"I know, I'm worried too.. Maybe we should just head back to your place and wait for the cops?"
"I guess we could.. But just what if something really horrible is happening to her right now and we are just sitting here not helping.."
Dylan put a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be okay, she's the strongest girl you and I both have ever met. She's badass." I smiled.
Alexia's POV
I woke up suddenly in shock and I was seriously freezing.. I looked down and realized that I had nothing on but my bra and my underwear? What the hell is going on? It took me a minute to adjust my eyesight to notice my surroundings. What the fuck is this place? Where's Chase? Where am I? This can't be real.. I broke down and started crying. I need Chase. What if he never comes and saves me? I looked to my right and noticed an open window. Well obviously whoever took me isn't so smart. They didn't even tie me down to the bed either? I got up off the bed and noticed my clothes lying on the floor in the corner of the room. I walked slowly to the corner, picked up my clothes, changed and climbed out of the window and ran as fast as possible. They even left the window open. Idiots. As soon as I got out and stopped running I looked around to see where the hell I was, and I honestly had no clue. I need to see if I can find someone who would let me use their phone or something to call Chase, maybe if I just explain what happened.. I realized after so long I was just standing in front of the place I clearly got kidnapped in, and I didn't want whoever took me to see me, so I continued running as far away as possible. I mean I'm really freaked out that I somehow got kidnapped but nothing like really bad happened I guess so that's a good thing.. But I know Chase is still gonna flip out. I just feel so lonely right now, I need to see him.. I need him to hold me. I noticed a gas station not too far from me so I made my way down there to get some help. After what felt like forever running to that gas station, I finally arrived.
"How can I help you?" I looked over at the guy behind the register and explained my whole situation. "Can I please use a phone?" He nodded and handed me a phone.
I thanked him and stood off to the side and dialed chases number. Please please answer.
After a couple rings he did, thank god.
"Who is this?"
"Chase! It's Alexia. Listen I'll explain everything later but can you please just come get me?"
"Woah, slow down. Okay where are you?"
I told him the address of where I was and he said he would be there soon. I'm so relieved..
"I love you chase, thank you." He said I love you too then hung up. I handed the phone back to the guy and thanked him again and I just waited inside of the gas station for Chase. Ugh, I was so hungry. I didn't even have any money on me or anything. All of my stuff is still at Chase's.. I hope. After what felt like forever Chase and Dylan finally came and I just ran up to them and hugged them. I wasn't even gone for long but boy I missed this.. Before I walked out of the gas station I thanked the owner for letting me using the phone and staying there to wait for them. I got in the car with the guys and sat in the backseat with Chase and held his hand while Dylan drove us back.
"I'm so sorry babe.." Chase whispered in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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