chapter 21

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Dylan's P.O.V
I heard someone running behind me and I turned around and it was Alexia.
Dylan: "Hey beautiful. Get on my back, I wanna give you a piggy back ride." I smile at her and she agrees. She jumps on my back and I grab her legs. I start running with her on my back until we reach the stage and then I put her down as Jacob and Carissa approach us.
Jacob: "Dude, what's with your mom? She looks pissed."
Dylan: "Jacob, come here." We walk away from Alexia and Carissa and go to the other side of the stage. "Alexia and I had sex."
Jacobs eyes widen. "What? You guys had sex? Does your mom know?"
Dylan: "Yeah. She knows. When we walked out of the room she was standing right by the door."
Jacob: "Shit, do you think she was standing there the whole time you guys, you know.."
Dylan: "I don't know, but I don't care. What just happened in that room was amazing, dude.. Oh my god."
Jacob: "Are you gonna bring her on stage tonight? Are you gonna like tell all the fans about her?"
Dylan: "I don't know, should I? I just don't want everyone to like, attack her.. I don't know how they would react.. That's the problem."
Jacob: "I think it'll be fine.. I have an idea. You can just perform your whole set and everything, you know like you normally do and then before you get off you can bring her on stage and tell everyone about her. You can't hide that from your fans.."
Dylan: "I know, I know.." I walk up to Alexia to ask her if she would be okay with taking the meet and greet pictures for me when I meet my fans.
Dylan: "Hey, baby?"
Alexia: "Yeah?"
Dylan: "Do you wanna take the meet and greet pictures for my fans today and the rest of tour?"
Alexia: "Yes, of course. Do you have a camera for me or something? Or are we just taking they're phones and taking them?"
Dylan: "Just they're phones!" She nods and walks away to Carissa. I grab my phone and get on my twitter to tweet something. "Hey, guys. Everyone who is meeting me tonight and on any other show on this tour, I want you to go up to the girl who is taking our pictures and give her a big hug 😏" I tweeted it and put my phone back in my pocket.
Alexia's P.O.V
The meet and greet was about to start in 15 minutes so Dylan was getting everything ready. I walked over to Carissa and I decided I had to tell her what happened between Dylan and I.. She's my best friend.. She has to know.
Alexia: "Um.. Hey Carissa? Can we talk?"
Carissa: "Did Dylan ask you to take his pictures? Jacob asked me to take his."
Alexia: "Yeah, he did. But that's not what this is about.."
Carissa: "What's wrong?"
I looked around to make sure no one was near to hear what I was about to tell Carissa. "Dylan and I had sex."
Carissa: "What?? Are you fucking insane?"
Alexia: "No.." I saw Dylan walking towards us.
Dylan: "Hey, what's going on ladies?" He smiles at me and grabs my hand.
Carissa: "Oh, nothing. We're just talking about how excited we are to watch you guys meet your fans" She walks away and goes to Jacob.
Dylan and I go to where he is supposed to be for the meet and greet and we start getting ready as I see the fans starting to come in. I don't know why but I just feel really excited to see Dylan meeting his fans and everything and to take the pictures. Like I was once that fan, meeting him with someone else taking pictures for me.
All the girls were starting to get in line and the security were letting a few girls in at a time. It was so cute watching all the girls meet Dylan and all the pictures they took with him were so cute and it just reminded me of when Dylan and I met.. Every single time after one girl finished meeting Dylan they would come up to me and give me a hug.. Did they know who I was already? I don't know.. But I'm not complaining they are all so sweet to me.
I saw Jacob walking up to me during the meet and greet to tell me something.
Jacob: "Dylan, why are all of those girls hugging her? Did you tweet something?"
Dylan: "Yeah, I did. I just figured that maybe if I do that and stuff they will like her and when I tell them about her later they will like her."
Jacob: "Smart idea. They all do seem like they like her so hopefully this turns out well."
The meet and greet finished and the show was about to start. My set was last so I sat backstage with Alexia the whole time. Chase and Pape were about to get off stage and I was next so I told Alexia I was gonna go get ready. She nodded and I kissed her before getting up.
Alexia's P.O.V
I was sitting on the couch by myself and I was gonna get up in a few minutes to get into the crowd to go watch Dylan perform tonight. As I was getting up Dylan's mom approached me. Oh my god, can this women please stop doing this to Dylan and I's relationship.
Dylan's Mom: "Leave my son alone."
Alexia: "Um, no. You can't make me. He loves me and I love him."
Dylan's Mom: "No, he doesn't love you. You're just a fake. I'm pretty sure you lied about it all. Everything you've been through."
Alexia: "No, you don't know anything about me. I haven't lied about anything. I want Dylan, he wants me, why are you doing this to us? If I lied about it all I'm pretty sure Dylan would hate my guts, but he doesn't."
Dylan's Mom: "Get the hell out. I can't have you doing this to Dylan. You're a distraction."
My voice started to shake up.. It was obvious she didn't want me here. I can't do this. Maybe this was a mistake. "Okay, fine." Where's Dylan when I need him.. I can't find him anywhere. I just go outside and go find somewhere to sit.

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