Chapter 1

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By the way before this story begins, you and the other teams are enrolling as a third year highschool before all had graduated...


~*(F/n)'s PoV*~


Groaning, I turned off my alarm clock, my eyes squinted.  What time is it anyway?.. I looked at the clock and saw it's already 6:00am...Huh..Class starts at I have 1 hour to prepare and maybe 20 or less minutes to walk to school.

I got out of bed and stretched my arms out, making some popping sounds in the process. Finally done stretching myself, I head to my bathroom and took a bath.
Heading out of the bathroom, I grabbed my uniform and began wearing the clothes one by one until I finished. I styled my (h/c) hair into a braid and made sure my hair covered my right eye. Finally done preparing myself, I grabbed my (f/c) bag and head downstairs to eat breakfast.

As usual, my parents are not awake yet that's why I eat alone. My breakfast today was just my plain favorite cereal and milk in a bowl and a glass of water to hydrate myself. Finished eating, I headed to the bathroom once more and brushed my teeth. Finishing all the things I needed to do, I grabbed my (f/c) hoodie and wore it to disguise myself a bit(not wanting anyone to mind me once I enter the school grounds).

I left my home with my (f/c) bag. I walked cautiously for I don't want that incident to happen to me again. I placed my right hand inside the pocket of my hoodie, I felt a certain protective object that I shall use in case of emergency, a cutter.  Yes, I'll carry a cutter on the first day of school.

I am now attending Raimon Junior High as a third year and where the so-called 'Inazuma Japan' soccer team is attending, I actually did some 'little' research about them in order to know why they are so popular and all.

I finally reached the gate of the school. I inhaled deeply and exhaled the excess air. I wore my hood up and entered the school. Let's just hope nobody would mind me after the introduction I'll make, I hope they would just ignore me, like I was the wind and just as I mentioned, that I didn't want to be noticed inside my head, some guy bumped unto me.

"Sumimasen.." I muttered, slightly annoyed but I didn't show it.

"It's alright, It was my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings..." The guy that bumped unto me, replied. He had this familiar appearance but I didn't budge and just plainly ignored the feeling.

"Mm.." I then took a quick leave and left the guy behind.

~*Normal PoV*~

As soon as the girl left the boy, the male just shrugged it off and sighed in relief that it wasn't one of those fangirls and decided to  walk to the direction where he was actually heading.

"Yo Kidou!~" A cheerful voice called.

"Morning Endou..Gouenji.." Kidou replied to his friends, looking at them with his usual stern yet calm look.

"Morning.." Gouenji replied with a cool manner. He carried his bag over his left shoulder, using his left hand to hold it firmly by the straps of it.

"So have you heard that there's gonna be a new student?" Endou asked while both his arms were behind his head.

"Yeah..I wonder if the new student is a boy or a girl? Cause who knows we might recruit him or her?.." Kidou replied, somehow answering the question but with another quedtion.

"Well either way, we're going to find out who the new student is, once class starts.." Gouenji stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah, so.. shall we head inside before we get late?" Endou asked the two and as a reply the two nodded and soon enough the three headed inside their school.

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