Chapter 18

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Gdi I never knew I would reach up to this point lol Enjoy the chappie~


~*Normal PoV*~

After all had parted ways, the walk to your new home was quiet. You only heard the footsteps that you three emitted. Well, mainly Kidou and Haruna's, you rode on the back of Kidou since it was still difficult for you to walk on your own.

"(L/n)..." Your attention was averted to Kidou's call, darting your eyes on the left side of his cheek, but decided to rest your head on his shoulder instead.

Since you were quite tired and lazy, you hummed as a response. "Hmm..?"

"About earlier...Was it really true that you were about to be sold in the black market?" Kidou quietly spoke, his face still looking forward.

"...Mhmm...Why...?" You questioned as you closed your eyes, before opening them once more to hear Kidou's reply.

"...I'm in conflict, (L/n). I am happy at the same time concerned. I'm happy because you made it out of that horrible place and...I'm concerned if you're still bothered by that past." Kidou spoke with slight hesitance, thinking all the pessimistic shit that you could think of. You could've been raped, bought as a slave, bought for sex or maybe they could have killed you and sold your organs for the black market.

"I see...but, you don't have to worry now, I'm safe and alive..." You hummed as you formed a small smile. "I'm happy to be alive right now...I got to have trusting friends...and I got you.." Your words slurred, tiredness washed over you but you tried your best to stay awake.

"Hnn...You can rest. I'll wake you up if we already arrived home..." Kidou spoke as he continued to walk. You hesitated at first but your eyes begged you to rest and so, you closed your eyes and let yourself drift to a deep slumber...

~*(F/n)'s PoV*~


"Okaasan...Otoosan..! Hic...W-Where am I?" I cried out. Where am I? Why is it so dark? Where are they? What happened?  My thoughts were interrupted when the door somewhat behind me opened. Swiftly, I turned my body to face the direction where the sound had came from.

"It looks like we've hit the jackpot! She got dual-colored eyes and maybe when she grows up, she'll be an excellent 'toy' for those rich bastards." An unfamiliar male voice echoed. Dual-colored eyes...was he talking about me? And what does he mean by toy..?

I tried to move but it seemed my hands and ankles were chained. I'm immobilized at the moment, but I can use my fingers and toes, which is a good thing... Why am I even here..?

"Hrmm...let's get her out of her clothing, the guests dislike clothed materials..." Another voice ordered, and there I heard few footsteps drawing nearer... Oh no..! Suddenly I was moved. I was roughly held by the arm, I tried to struggle.

"H-Hanasē! Hanasē!(Let me go!)" I shrieked trying my best to get their grip off of me, by then, I felt my clothes getting ripped off. Tears welled in each corners of my eyes. Once they finished ripping my clothes off, I was only left with my underwear.  A-Are they...?

"Stop struggling, brat!" The man growled as he transferred his grip from my left arm to my hair. Why... Why...Why...Since I actually thought it would be useless of me to struggle, I decided stop. I could only thank my mother and father for giving me advices for these kind of situations. My thoughts were cut off by probably the same stranger, removing the blindfold that covered my eyes.

"There ya go, look at that magnificent maiden. We'll be loaded once we sell her!" My eyes adjusted for a bit, before seeing an ugly man with crooked teeth and a poorly shaved beard.

Terrified at the looks they gave, choking, I said, "Wh-Why am I here, misters?" I sniffled, holding in the tears.

"Shut up, brat. You don't need to know. Just sit tight and stay still, don't wanna get punished now, do we?" The other man with a mustache and wore black shades, grinned at me. It was disgusting...Does he even brush his teeth?

I quickly shook my head. I need to focus on the plan in mind. I need to find some sort of phone as father instructed me to... Quickly, I scanned their attire and soon enough, I saw a familiar bump on the crooked teeth man's pocket.

"Good girl~ Hrmm...Hey *****(I didn't quite catch the name), are there anymore children or girls that the others caught?" The man wearing glasses started a conversation with the crooked teeth man. As they chatted, me, being a sneaky girl I am (as mother told me), with my small hand that were still binded, I managed to get the phone behind the crooked teeth man's pocket and quickly hid it behind my back with a swift move. Having good eyesight, I maintained to look "poor" and...pitiful? on the shadey man (the man that wore the shades), that way he wouldn't get suspicious of me. 

"Well now, let's have some lunch first before we start the bidding program at four..." The crooked teeth man told his partner before glaring at me to say; "You only stay here, missy." He growled before exiting through the door and locked the door.

For a few seconds I made sure that they wouldn't return. Once a minute had passed, I let out a shaky sigh. It's a good thing that they were okay enough to leave the lights open. I looked around my surroundings, oddly, there were no cameras. Now that I'm alone, I just have to dial 119. I hastily slid the phone from behind to my side. Honestly...are they actually bad guys? They even placed my tied hands in front of me. I pressed the power button and in a flash, it showed the lock screen. It's only 3:37...lucky... I quickly pressed the emergency call button and immediately I dialed 119. I managed to place the phone between my tied hands and placed the phone on my ear, hearing the ringing tone.

"Hello? This is 119, how can we help you?" A female voice resounded from the end of the other line.

"M-Miss..!" I started to cry tears of joy. The plan of my parents were working.

"A-A kid? Ma'am, how may we help you?"

"M-Miss! Please get me out of here! C-Can you...uhnn....track the signal? P-Please...B-Bad guys brought me here!" I tried my best to keep my composure, and made sure my voice was quiet yet loud enough for the lady to hear.

"O-Oh my god...W-We'll do our best to quickly get you out of there. For the meanwhile, what's your name?"

"(L-L/n) (F/n)..." I said with a shaky voice, sweat trickling down my forehead.

"(L-L/n)? The famous doctors' daughter?! U-Uh...Stay calm...We'll do our best to be quick as possible." And there the end of the line was silent.

Let's just hope they actually come for my help...



Hello, fellow readers. I'm sorry for the filler chapter, I am honestly quite lazy so please bear with this xD Anyways, take note that the reader in the dream was 10 years old, that's why they weren't really  cursing and swearing there. It was more likely a flashback lol

I love you all and stay happy, my broskis!

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