Chapter 21

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~*Normal PoV*~

"Oh.." You were rather stunned of her unexpected compliment towards your eye colors. It rather relieved you, honestly. To think that there are people who could still have good reactions towards your different eye colors was a rare case but gave you relief.

Realizing that she was staring too much, she decided to let go of your bangs and let it fall back to its original place where it covered your other eye. Heat slowly rushed up to her cheeks as she cleared her own throat to somehow ease the awkwardness in her position, she adjusted herself. "I-I..uhh, yeah..Your hetero-chromatic eyes are beautiful, it really does compliment your outstanding features.." The daughter of the principal added, looking at the other side before taking a glance to see your facial expression.

You were a smiling mess, you were flattered and your whole being was filled with joy. Despite her comment being quite simple, it gave you satisfaction. It's not like you were growing a second head, but rather it slowly but surely boosted your self-appreciation for yourself. "Thank you..Natsumi-san.." You smiled from ear-to-ear. Your lovable expression caused Natsumi's stomach to do a double-flip and her heart to beat rapidly, you were so irresistible at this point.

"It's no big deal..I just said what I really think of you, so don't let those negative comments about you get you down. If you need something, you can come up to me and ask me anything. I'll do anything to help you. That's what friends are for.." Natsumi simply replied, but there was a slight tug on her heart when she mentioned 'friends', though she decided to ignore it and leave that sensation be. She simply wants you to be happy.

. . .

"So..What did you guys talk about?" Kidou inquired curiously as you two walked side by side. "I mean, you and Natsumi," Kidou added as he took a glance at you, who still had a smile on your lips. You were still happy about the compliment that she gave you. It's a stupid reason to be that happy but really, you didn't care.

"Hmm..~ Natsumi-san complimented me..It really comforted me that she wasn't disgusted of my dual colored eyes like most people did." You replied, humming like an innocent child. Your reason of your happiness today was simple and odd, but he understood why it made you happy, though being his boyfriend, he was slightly offended, in a way. But Natsumi is a girl? Exactly. For all we know you might be bisexual and by using Natsumi's gender is a simple way to steal you away from him without any problem.

"You're beautiful, (L/n)." He boldly stated, stopping from his tracks to walk in front of you and face you. He had placed his goggles on his head, his ruby colored eyes looking at you with a stern gaze. He looks like an idiot if you think about being jealous for another gal complimenting you, but he can't help it, he has this gut feeling that Natsumi might fall for you too.

"Pfft..Kidou-kun, what's with the sudden compliment?" Your cheeks reddened but you smiled nonetheless, it was starting to be normal for you that he's getting more and more affectionate towards you.

"Yuuto. Call me Yuuto." And that caused your face to be full blown red. You were quick enough to process his words and knew that his intention was to bring your relationship to a next level. Your mouth was left open, trying to find the right words to say. Should you try stating his first name or no? Your mind was rather blank until Kidou decided to speak up once more. "Ah..sorry, I guess that was too sudden...I'm sorry. But I hope you take it to consideration on calling me by my first name..." A tint of pink dusted the game-maker's cheeks, slightly embarrassed.

"Y-Yuuto.." You stuttered, looking down as you said it. It made you real joyful to think that you were now stepping up your relationship to using the first-name basis. Despite the fact it should have been the first step before kissing and hugging and such...

Kidou gulped, rather surprised that you decided to call out his name. You looked so cute and the way his name rolled down your tongue, it made his head go into a cloud9 state, he was truly happy and satisfied. His hands made their way to cup your cheeks and made you face him. His ruby eyes bore unto your (e/c) one, thinking it was okay, he decided to tug your bangs in the back of your ear, revealing both of your breath-taking dual colored eyes. "I'm words can explain how I really feel right now, (F/n)." Kidou sighed in glee, deciding to use your first name as well. He was smiling at you as his ruby eyes looked back at yours.

"Sh-Shut up...How come you're not embarrassed right now..?" You pouted, wanting him to be the one who is embarrassed.

"Maybe some of your cold attitude rubbed on me? Hah, I'm even surprised that I made it this far." Your boyfriend remarked with a playful smirk.

"You.." You uttered, smiling before giggling. You snaked your arms around his waist, your hands placed by his back, pulling both of you closer.

"I really love you, (F/n). If it weren't for you, I don't think I would be more open to people..." Kidou sighed in glee, pressing your foreheads together, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them to stare back at your dual-colored ones.

"...Yuuto, I should be the one saying that," You were getting teary-eyed, goddamn being emotionally weak is shit. But you knew at the back of your head that being emotional is also good because it helps you rather be sensitive of the things around you. Let alone, it makes you show that there are still good people in this world. "I love you too..." You smiled happily, closing your eyes but this time it stayed like that since he decided to close the gap, kissing you on the lips. It sent a jolt of electricity from your feet up to your spine, you loved this moment, treasuring every bit of it.

He parted away shortly just to look at your eyes before kissing you again, this time a bit longer than earlier. You were feeling hazy, your hands slightly clenching at the back of his school uniform and a slight mewl made its way to your throat. He too was somehow giving off the same reaction. He slightly tightened his hold by your waist, his body leaning in more to deepen the sweet kiss. Both of you were in full bliss and simply enjoyed the moment.

You both parted after a few more seconds, both of you gradually relaxing. As if in coincidence, both of you sighed in glee at the same time, enjoying each other's presence.

"Well...that was fun.." You joked lightly as you snuggled your cheek against his chest. You can hear his heart beating rapidly as well. Though hearing his own heartbeat calmed your feelings.

"Mhmm.." Kidou looked down at you as his other hand made its way to your the back of your head, stroking your smooth (h/c) hair. "We should get going...The sun is setting and Haruna might get weird thoughts unto why we're taking long.." Kidou reminded as he slowly let you go from his watm embrace but his left hand remained and trailed down to hold your right hand.

"Sure, Yuki might be hungry too.." You added as you entwined your fingers together. You like how his hand is slightly rough and slightly bigger than yours but his warmth put you at ease, it was as if it was just for you to hold. You love him so much that it made you unaware of the danger that is coming your way,

Be careful...


Lmao another filler chapter cause the next chapter will be a big one. Hope you guys are not angry of me for not updating for a long while. Thank you for your reading~ I really appreciate it.

I love you all and stay happy, my broskis!

Calculating Love[Kidou Yuuto x Reader] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now