Chapter 13

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~*Normal PoV*~

"Mm..." Kidou parted away from the short kiss that he had engaged with you. He stared upon your dual-colored eyes and you did the same, staring back unto his sharp red eyes. You felt him gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb. "...You know, (L/n), if you keep looking at me like that, I might kiss you again.." Kidou somehow reprimanded to you with a small smirk tugging on his lips.

"Wh-Wha..!" Letting out a squeak and instantly cough as a result. "Y-You..! P-Please refrain from s-saying.. *cough cough*...e-embarrassing statements..." You coughed as heat rose up to your whole face up and to your ears too.

"Ah right, it wasn't so like me to do these kind of things...Heh...Even I am confused about myself..haha..." Kidou chuckled as he placed his hand on his face, face-palming himself, not really knowing how to react.

"...Mhmm..It wasn't really like you indeed. Even Fudou-kun was acting weird..." You scoffed and you slightly flinched once you tried to move yourself to another comfortable position.

"Hm? Even Fudou? How exactly?" Kidou's eyes almost instantly narrowed. 'Could it be...He's also falling for her..?' Kidou thought, blood boiling in jealousy. 'It can't be helped....She's a natural beauty from the very start...' Kidou sighed to himself as he looked back at you and waited for your answer.

"Well...He...How do I put this..? *cough* ...He was being too close to me...? Like he suddenly asked why do I always cover my right eye like what Kazemaru-kun does....Lucky enough you guys made it in time...I somehow felt relieved cause who knows what might have happened to me while me and Fudou are alone in this room..." You trailed off. 'He might have seen my hideous (2nd e/c) eye...'  You thought sadly. "A-Anyways, I think it's already class time... You--...." You were suddenly cut off by the rumbling sound from the stomach of yours.


Bright red hues went up to your face due to embarrassment. You forgot that you still haven't eaten your snacks yet.

"Guess someone's hungry..." Kidou softly chuckled as he placed his goggles back on. "You still haven't gotten your free sandwich from Gouenji, right? Since there's still..." Kidou took a glance over his watch, so he'll be able to know how many minutes were left until their next class. "Five minutes left, I can make Gouenji rush into it." Kidou smiled kindly at you.

"A-Arigato...Kidou-kun..." You thanked Kidou for his kindness, red hues still visible on your usual pale cheeks.

"No problem...Get well soon, (L/n)..." Kidou smiled once more before leaving the clinic's room, leaving you all alone inside the dimly-lighted room.

Kidou's position...

The only people who were left waiting were Fudou, Gouenji, Fubuki, Endou, and Tsunami. The flame striker and the ice striker were having a chat not so far from the clinic's room, while Tsunami and Endou were leaning against each other...sleeping. Last but not least, Fudou was leaning his lean frame against the wall, his gaze on the ceiling, probably having deep thoughts.

"Oh, finished scolding her?" Fudou teased his friend with his arms crossed as he stood up properly before walking in front Kidou's position.

"Fudou...." Kidou frowned as he remembered your words about Fudou, which resulted his jealousy.

'He was being too close to me....'

Calculating Love[Kidou Yuuto x Reader] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now