Chapter 19

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Lol guys check out the ABOUT ME book of mine, I just released the first set of jokes for this fanfiction xD


~*Normal PoV*~

You jolted awake from your sleep when you suddenly felt someone tap your shoulder.

"(L/n)-san...We're home..." Haruna smiled as she helped you off Kidou's shoulder, making Haruna your supporter as you stood up. Kidou released a sigh of relief when you finally got off of him, making you sweatdrop.

"I-I'm sorry, Kidou-kun...I must have burdened you for carrying me from the stand until to your house..." You looked down, feeling guilty. You admit, you've done nothing but keep on making trouble to others and that bothered you.

"Ah..It's nothing, it gave me a little exercise..but it's nothing troublesome if that's what you're thinking." Kidou patted your head, giving that mature vibe of his.

"R-Really?" You questioned as you looked up to him, a light blush dusted your cheeks, feeling too welcomed and comfortable from his petting. It felt nostalgic. It reminded you of how your father or mother petted your head whenever you did something good. Remembering those times...tears started to form and that caught Kidou off guard.

"W-Wha!? (L-L/n)! Are you okay?! Did I do something wrong...?!" Kidou frantically panicked as he whipped out his clean handkerchief to wipe your tears.

"A-Ahh...S-Sorry..." You sniffled as you let Kidou wipe the tears. Haruna basically left you without the two of you even noticing. She practically made you support yourself on Kidou.

"Hnn...It's almost eleven...we still have school tomorrow.." Kidou sighed as he brought his hand down to get both of your bags from the floor. You tried your best to stand up straight and follow Kidou upstairs but during the 5th staircase, your legs decided to become wobbly and you almost fell, but thanks to Kidou, he quickly wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close. (YOU HAVE NO IDEA I SQUEALED HERE) "Are you okay?" Kidou stared through your majestic dual colored eyes. You didn't even notice that you slightly clenched on his right shoulder.

"Ah..." You blinked once, twice then thrice before you could even process the situation. Blood instantly rushed up to your face until the tip of your ears.

"Hnn... (L/n).." Kidou suddenly lit an idea inside his mind since he knew that this is one of those perfect situations to do that.

"Y-Yeah...?" Your lips quivered from nervousness as you actually noticed that his face was leaning closer to yours, but you too, slowly leaned in as well.

"Can I..kiss you..?" Kidou lowly requested as brought your body closer to his, lips inches apart.

"U-Uhh...!" Your mind was in a daze, was it okay? It's embarrassing for tou to just say 'yes'. But it would be a bit bothersome if you rejected even if you did want to kiss. Just a peck probably...? "J-Just a peck would do.." You looked down, face heating up. Why must you suffer like this???

"Mm.." Since both of you already regained your balance, Kidou decided to let go from the railing and cupped your smooth reddish cheek. He took his time and even placed his goggles on his head, making you gulp as you saw his scarlet red eyes. His lips formed a small smirk. God, if only time would stop to this breath-taking moment. Finally, he brought his lips to yours. His lips were a little chapped but you didn't mind, you just simply enjoyed the blissful moment.

Calculating Love[Kidou Yuuto x Reader] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now