Chapter 16

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~*Normal PoV*~

The team's practice has already begun, with you sitting on the bench along with the managers and their coach. As much as possible, you tried not to move so you would be able to avoid the prickly feeling in your body that you experience whenever you move.

"(L/n)-san, how have you been?" One of the female managers, Aki, questioned you with a look of concern. You two may not be close but you knew she was just really friendly with the others.

"...I-I'm doing fine, just feeling little pins all over my right arm and both legs..." You kindly answered whilst not breaking contact over the team who were busy practicing. They were really serious at the same time they're having fun and you were happy about this, no stressful shit...just freedom...That's it with soccer. Soccer is able brush off your problems away from mind even if it was just for a bit.

"Is that so?..." Aki closed her mouth for a bit before opening to speak once more. "So, are you and Kidou-kun a...thing..?" Aki hesitantly questioned as she played with her thumbs.

Hearing this, you immediately choked on your own saliva. You? And Kidou? A-A thing? No...You never thought of that ever happening. But then again, Kidou had already kissed you, two? or three times? And it was on your lips too... Oh no..

It clicked to you.

You might be giving Kidou false hope. Shit, why? Well, no shit, he already kissed you and friggin confessed to you already but you? You haven't even responded his feelings. Not even accepting nor rejecting his feelings. Gosh...You're not used to lovey-dovey stuff! Maybe because you've never had interacted with much people from the past? You barely went out of the house and you were homeschooled since you were a child (excluding sixth grade of elemantary cause you need a diploma and such in order to go to the next grade). So, are you and Kidou an actual thing or are you just leaving Kidou hanging?

"..O-Oh shit.." You cussed under your breath after you had analyzed your situation. "W-Well..." You started, unsure of where to begin with.

"Ah! Wait! Hold that phone!" Aki interrupted before standing up to blow the whistle. "Minna! Water break!!" She announced hurriedly, she seemed to be really eager to hear your answer.

'Oh no...I can't excuse myself out of this! Like hell, do I want every boy to know my relationship with their game maker! It'd be awkward for me and Kidou if I answered that we were just friends! They'll be like: "Friends? But you two kissed already!" AHHH!! KUSO!!' And there, you began to silently panic inside your head, trying to shake up a good answer or maybe an excuse for the hell of it! Just as long it doesn't end up awkward for all of them.

"Uhh... (L/n)-san? Are you okay?.." Your body immediately tensed up before relaxing when you've realized it was Fubuki who had spoken to you. He was sitting on the ground, a face towel hanging on his shoulder and a water bottle on his hand.

"A-Ah..Fubuki-kun..I-I'm fine.." You nervously smiled before adding, "Although, I am parched, I haven't drank water since snacks time..." You commented as you finally noticed that your throat felt dry and your lips were chapped.

"Oh? Really? Then here! You can drink my water." Fubuki gently handed you his bottle of cool water, resulting for both of your fingers to brush each other, causing of some sort of electric shock throughout your body.

Calculating Love[Kidou Yuuto x Reader] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now