#Part 3

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Well i wasn't planning on showing up to next period because i hated mathematics, i sucked i usually dosed of half way through the lesson. This was the perfect opportunity to talk to Prince . I saw him at his locker so i walk up to him.

"Hey Jacob can we talk?" i asked desperately. " About what?" he asked with an attitude

" Why you blanked me all on last month and this month was it something i did?" I said

"No i just needed some time alone some space from you" He said not looking at me

" Space? What about it your acting like we were in a relationship/ Jacob if you have something to say say it before one of us gets hurt." I Said nearly in tears.

" Your a great girl but i cant be Friends with you anymore, i cant explain right now but i promise, i will tell you when the time is right." He said nearly crying as well and walked away.

"Jacob!!" I screamed down the hall. Tears were coming down my face and i didn't know why because i didn't love him or have any feelings for him i didn't even know him that well. I knew he was the only boy i could trust and he just threw that away right in front of my face.

Ray walked out from the men's room and saw mt crouched down crying  with mascara all over my face. He looked at me and i looked back at him waiting for him to make a smart comment about how many problems i have. "Are you okay sharn?" He said crouching down to my level. " Do you really think that i am?, you just see a girl crouched down crying and you think she is okay? , your so stupid" I didn't actually mean what i was saying, i was just being smart because that was what i was expecting from him. " I guess not Sharn but I'm here, Look i didn't mean what i said earlier. It was wrong and i'm sorry." He said looking at me hoping for me to accept. " i Guess so."

He stood up and put out his hand, i looked at him and back at his hand and held it and stood up, then he pulled me into a hug.I didn't know to react as i never hugged boys or men. Not after my dad. No way. He let go of my and wiped my tears with his thumbs." Lets try this again, Are you okay Sharn?" He said with a small grin on his face.

" I am now, its Jacob he's giving me mixed messages. i don't know what i did?" i said looking into rays eyes.

" Ignore that son of a bitch i swear he is bipolar or something." He said will he laughed at his own joke" i will talk to him later on yeah?" 

" That would be great." Then the bell ran." Look after school imma take you home yeah meet me at the car park," He said running of. I blushed and walked over to my locker and pulled out my p.e kit and put all my books in my locker and waited for Sam,

"Hey Sharny girl! What you smiling about?" She said unlocking her locker and receiving her p.e kit. " Me and ray are getting close he's taking me home today" I Said grinning to myself. " C'mon lover girl we got p.e to do  " She said tugging me to the girls changing rooms.

We were dressed and we were playing the game i hated the most. Volleyball.

We started playing and we were actually winning i got into the game and then some Barbie doll figured bitch pushed me over. I got up almost immediately and approached her " Hey bitch what the fuck do you think your doing" i said getting red and hot. " Playing volleyball" she said smacking on some gum " She probably hit her head to hard and forgot what she was doing" she laughed and all her girls laughed along with her.

By this time i was as hot as the fucking sun, and i was gonna beat a bitch today if i had to. " what did you just say , listen bitch i will hit your head so hard you wont even know your own name so i guess you say sorry and just pass" i said balling up my fists. " Uh no" she choked trying to be smart by this time i was on top of her smashing her in the face while she tugged on my hair. She kneed me in the chest which made me fall. 

She stood up and i pulled her leg and smashed her in her face by now the teachers had rushed over and tried to pull us apart and succeeded. 

#Medical room

I gave her a sinister ans smug look from across the room while she had bruises on her eyes and cheek. I had a bruise on my stomach from when she hit me in the stomach. But i'd clearly won she looked at me in terror as i just giggled to myself. 

"You can go now Miss Turnables you are okay." Smiled Miss.Green as she pointed me to the door, as i brushed past barbie doll i whispered, "Next time it will be worse." She looked at me as if i was going to kill her. I could but i didn't.

I Greeted Sam and we both laughed together. I got changed out of my kit and walked up to the parking Lott and seen Sam wave me off and run to Damien's car. I saw Ray and i hopped in and he took me home. We talked about school and life until we arrived at my house. I thought Ray was nice and i leaned over and gave him a hug" Thanks Ray" i said as i blushed " Anytime doll face" He kissed me on the cheek and i got out and blushed.

My dad say the the whole thing , and my dad do sent like boys. At all.

Hope you guys liked that one. By the side is the girl Sharn beat up. :) Why do y'all think that Jacob is moving in from Sharn.? ;)

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