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I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry i haven't updated recently, my laptop's been broken for to long, should update more recently. (:

#Narrators POV

She sat down nervously and gave of an forced smile.

"You look nervous" He said sipping some of his coffee and opening his Mac laptop.

"Yeah a little" she said pushing her hair behind her ears. "Well there's nothing to be nervous of, I'm sure you'll do great"  He said with a huge grin.

For over an hour they conversed about her internship and she couldn't keep her eyes of him. Every facial feature he had reminded her of Chresanto. She tried her hardest not to stare but it was bugging her.

Her interview had ended and before she got on her feet he said in a low tone.

"You got the internship by the way, i knew you'd do it anyway." He got up and walked over to her and opened the door Sharn walked out.

"Ummm....." Sharn said hesitating. "Yes?" He said smiling still. "Uh don't worry nothing" He heels clicked as she continued to walk out of......Oh yeah

"I didn't catch your name sir?" She said quickly spinning around.

"Mr.August" He said winking

#Samantha POV

She sat patiently on her bed painting her nails neon pink and suddenly her phone rang. "Hello?" She said filing the the current nail holding the phone in between her ear and shoulder.

"I'm outside, can i come up?"

"Sure" She cheered jumping of her bed and hanging up. Moments later Jacob walked through her bedroom door and cheesed at her , she jumped of her bed and gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips. He took the file from her and tossed it on the bed. He looked into her eyes and began to strip of her white tank spaghetti strap top revealing her black Lacey bra. He unhooked her bra and slid of her bed shorts and panties. For 45 minutes Jacob and Samantha fucked. Jacob was with Sam but Samantha was desperate and Jacob would give into anything and everyone. How do you think he fell for Sharn and suddenly started dating Sam.

#Narrator POV

Sharn had a towel on her body as well as her hair and so did Sam they were going out and they were choosing outfits. It took them a whole two hours to flat iron their hair, do their make up and dress up.

By the time they were leaving they looked fantastic. Chresanto walked in as he saw them both with their girl friends Crystal and Diamond . "TO NIGHTCLUBS!" they all yelled as they clasped their chamgpane glasses together in unison and laughed. "Oh hey baby" Sharn smiled grabbing her purse and cheek kissing Chres. "We were just heading out to the club , i promise i'll be home before 3" She said as they all laughed hard. "Whatever, do what you want" He said as he shuffled her out the way and started for the stairs.

"Your not gonna ruin this night for me with your man period" She yelled up the stairs laughing with all the girls."C'mon girls lest go we gon be late" Crystal said in her ghetto voice. And in no time they were setting out for the night club 'Infinite' they got a taxi and jumped into the night club almost immediately. Very little did Sharn get to go out and be free like other teenagers. With her childhood, Freedom wasn't a word in her dictionary, because she never had it. Nights like this made her realize how much things have changed for her.

By midnight the girls were completely intoxicated and free. They danced with tons of random men and girls. At one o'clock in the morning they decided to call it a night and call a taxi for home. They advanced to the exit and an drunken manor as they all laughed and pushed through crowds of drunken people.

They'd reached the exit and Diamond pulled out her phone to dial the taxi company, when her phone dropped and cracked violently across the whole screen. "Shit" She mumbled, "This piece of shit phone" She growled as she threw the phone back on the ground and kicked it. Crystal pulled ut her phone and sighed heavily as she called a cab company and then her phone cut off. "Fuck, we ain gon be lucky tonight" She said placing her phone back into her pocket.

Just then Sharns boss pulled up in his black Range Rover. Sharns eyes opened in excitement.

"Need a ride ladies?" He said as he winked  at them "Oh yes thank you so much boss, Thank you Thank you" She said openeing the door to the girls as they hopped in and she climbed int the front. 

"Where you heading?" He said kissing her hand. She quickly snatched her hand away and folded her arms. "109 Helmet Drive." She said angrily.

It took them almost half an hour to reach Chresanto's house and when they got there Sharnd didn't say thank you, nothing she just got out and stormed up to Chres's door and banged on it violently. The girls all chanted "Thank you" In unison as they rushed door.

"Whats wrong with you?" Sam said in a annoyed tone. "He just gave us a ride home you fucking selfish bitch and didn't even rape us , nothing he didn't even touch us you......"  Sam screamed Getting cut off. "He fucking touched me he kissed my hand you don't know shit! Now Roc unlock this goddamn door before i cut your balls of !" Sam stood there astonished at what Sharn just said.

"Why's that such a massive problem? Your such a drama queen Sharn, i hope you know that" She spat kissing her teeth and folding her arms.

"Its a problem because its Chres's Dad!" Sam and the girls mouths sat wide open adjusting to what Sharn just said.

Life with you leaving,

Is like being locked up side down

I'm all out of reasons to let                                                                                                                                     All this hurt keep me bound

Hope you like this chapter, took me to long thinkk of this hope yall like it (:

On the side is Sharns party outfit -->

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