#Part 4

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I hopped out of his car feeling like the luckiest girl in the world, i had a massive grin on my face and i started twiddling my thumbs and thinking about me Ray but then as i put my key in the door the door opened with My dad behind it , " Hey dad" i said smiling walking then then he put his hand in front of my body " Don't give me that hey dad shit , who was that boy?" He said slowly turning red.    "His name is ray and he was only giving me a ride home i didn't want to walk so i forced him to give me ride" I lied.

" Don't bullshit  " He said boiling up " I swear dad he is not my boyfriend he just gave me a ride home." This point i was not lying. " Bullshit! !" He yelled He grabbed me by my arm and slammed me down, he kicked me in the stomach and grabbed me by mu collar and punched me in the face. " Dad stop I'm sorry " I screamed in terror and scare some. He punched me in the side and spat on me and grabbed  a bottle of vodka and walked upstairs.

I was sat crying for about an hour holding my blistered face and bruised stomach. My mom unlocked the door and fell to the ground at the state of me, it was nothing special this always happened when  my mom was out. She held me while my dad drunk his sorrows away. She carried me into the back yard shed as she dialled the police, she had realised it was about time she stood up. She dialed the police.

"Baby doll it will all be alright , okay he will be gone and we can move on" She said while put my head on her lap and called her police.

" Um hello i have come home to my husband abusing my daughter i need the police at 12 Coward's drive, uh uh , thanks goodbye." She put the phone on the ground and drifted of until we heard sirens. " Mum", i shook her " The police are here." He darted up and sprinted across the lawn and to the front door. I Sat and cradled my knees until i was called back to the house by a police officer.

I walked through the living room and police  men question me all night. I was nervous and multiple coppers kept asking confusing questions. All i wanted to do was sleep.

"Well your father has been arrested under child abuse so you will be fine" Said a bald headed officer, I didn't care a i was tired and i need my mom. This time i needed my non asshole mom. I lay ed on my bed and my mom held me all night. 

#4 Months had passed

I woke up the next do to my alarm and did my hygiene. I shot my bag round my back and opened the door to rays car parked in my drive way. " Ray? What are you doing at my house?" I said laughing my ass of. " What cant i come pick you up for school?" He said with a smirk on his face. I got in and kissed him on the cheek, i was pretty happy for a girls who dad had been arrested not even a year hours ago.

We arrived at school and he opened my door " Your such a gentlemen Ray " i said blushing , pushing my hair being my ears. " Well gotta make a good first impression" He said winking at me.

We were early to home room and we went out for a blunt. Again.

He looked at me while i smoked my blunt and blew rings. " What?" i said smirking to him.

" Your so beautiful, why do you smoke blunts and its just gonna ruin you?" He said looking worried

" To drown my sorrows i guess to forget about all the bad things that has happened in my life" I said as i lowed my head.

" What has happened in your life?" Ray said as he inched closer to me.

" My dad used to beat me and he got locked away and still is in prison.Ever since then i haven't been the same" i said tossing the blunt on the floor.

" He held me close and he whispered " I'm  here whenever, i promise" He said pulling away.

We stared into each others eyes our lips were meeting distance and our bodies were so close. He kissed me. I loved every moment of it and i didn't let go until he did.

We walked hand in hand within lessons and didn't leave each others side. Jacob was still ignoring me but that didn't stop me. Something bugged me. Roc wouldn't stop looking at me.

What do you guys think this chapter was a little rushed because i had very little time. Hope you guys liked it. One side is Sharns outfit.

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