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A picnic.

"A picnic?"

"Yes, a picnic."

A picnic. We're going on a picnic.

"Why, wait no, when exactly are going on this picnic, Clem?"

"Today. I asked Lauren and she told me that you were supposed to be doing something very very important today but it'll have to be postponed because the important stuff hadn't arrived yet."


"We are going today parce que you are not busy, understand?"

I nod my head despite still being very confused. It's been an hour since we came back home from the rain with Rien suddenly appearing and disappearing before we got inside. I need to talk to him, about a lot of things and hopefully talking to myself won't me so confused anymore. It might just drive me crazier but a least a little less confused. Hopefully.

"Is there anything particular you would like to have for the picnic, Nemo?"

She stands up from the ugly couch and walks over to the kitchen. She looks like those picturesque 50s housewives in her little bouncy dress and putting on an apron, ready to cook up a dinner party. But of course, she really can't cook anything without breaking everything except the eggs.

"We could just order some take out and eat it outside when it stops raining."

"But that's just the same as eating in here! It has to have some meaning and that's why I'm cooking!"

"Sure. How about you stick to making stuff like sandwiches? I wouldn't want you to burn yourself or do something equally stupid."

"Aw, you care!"

"Well yeah, wouldn't want you to start wailing your lungs out because you had an ouchie."

"I'm going to ignore that because I like to think that you're saying that because I'm like your sweetheart or something! Moi et mon petit poisson!"

"Uh huh, has it ever occurred to you that you may be delusional."

"It's been mentioned several times in my files but I'm not the one seeing people here unlike somebody around here."

"Fair enough."

Something flashes out the corner of my eye and I see Rien disappearing out the front door.

"Hey Clem? I'm just gonna step out for a bit, alright?"

"You know what would be awesome? If you called me something like 'Babe' or 'Honey'."

I stare at her blankly.

"It's a sweet touch, no? Like we're a real life couple!"

I stare at her blankly.

"Ugh, forget it! Just go already!"

I shrug and rush out the door. Rien stands by the elevator outside, he looks like he's waiting until he turns and starts walking towards the door leading to the staircase. I chase after him, going through the door and following up the staircase. He isn't even running and yet I'm still not able to catch up to him. He keeps going until he reaches the roof, exiting through a broken down door. Outside, he stands near the ledge watching the rain fall but not wet at all.

You'd think that would help me remember he's not real but no.

"Isn't this romantic, Moe? It's like the first time we met."

"It wasn't raining when we met."

"True but you want to know the best thing about walking in the rain?"

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