That's how her life is.

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Assalamu alaikum ppz! This is my first attempt in writing a story. Thankyou for deciding to read this story! I hope it'll be worth it. And yeah, if my attempt is worth the story means please tap on the like button which will mean alot to me!
That said you might find the grammar a little lacking in the first two or three chapters & i apologize for that. Please excuse the mistakes that you do find!:)
Happy reading!!
She was staring outside the window, with a book in her hand. Whoever looks at her will assume that she is reading a book with a great interest. Thats how people assume others with their outer appearance. But the truth is, she is immensely drained in a deep thought. What is she thinking? Yes! She is thinking about her past life. She is confused! Confused with herself, just because she has social-anxiety.

Zaina, thought that a book is the only thing that can divert her mind from how people think about her. These were the times, she was understanding the reality of life. The age of hers made her realize little by little the reality. Yes, eighteen!

Many consider it as the disastrous age. But only the eighteens knew how they feel and what they really want and need.

Although people had passed the age of eighteen, most of the elderly ones failed to understand the desires of a teen. As typical eighteens', Zaina too wanted someone to understand her sorrows and feelings.
But she rarely trusted people, because of her social-anxiety and her past experiences.

"Zaina! Ma wants you to help her with cooking! Are you deaf or outta the world? She is calling you for a very long time! Is this the way you respect her? Ya Allah! This girl!" Hana yelled at Zaina.

Zaina slammed her book and threw it on the table. She was hurt. She really didn't hear her mom calling, but Zaina knows that her elder sister Hana, purposely or not purposely starving to find faults on her.

Even her elder sister refuses to give a hand on her daily problems, let it be a minor or major, but to share everything, she yearns for someone, she yearns for someone who'll hug her and say everything will be alright. Infact, her own sister is turning into a problem. Zaina, is used to all these, even worser than this.

With a huge sigh she headed to the kitchen without yelling back at her sister or atleast trying to explain her that she didn't hear mom calling. Because, she knew things will turn worse. With a zipped lip, she saw her mom preparing something, something special than usual.

"Ma, are we expecting any guests?" Zaina looked at her Mom expecting an answer. Nothing came out of her mouth.
Infact, her mom threw a spoon into the sink throwing Zaina a furious look as if she is going to kill Zaina.
Zaina with a well- understanding of her mom's action, turned to the sink to wash a load of dishes.
At the moment, she was fighting back her tears, because her mom's action did hurt her alot although this kinda happens everyday.

She smiled a confident smile to herself, consoling that everything will be alright. Someday!

Her mom and sister were mentally tormenting her with their actions and words. They does it everyday directly or indirectly. They always failed to understand the fact that Zaina is an eighteen year old typical teen with certain desires. Not exactly typical.

Zaina, biting her lips so hard, until it bleeds, washed the things, again immensely drenching herself into thoughts. Once she can remember her own mom asking her whether she was a psycho just because she get lost in her own thoughts.

"Enough! Go, wear a good dress and come down!" Zaina's mom told her in the best normal voice she could ever come up with. Surprised by the tone of her mom's voice, Zaina, not wasting even a second turned her head towards her mom, just to confirm that is she the one who really was talking. Because rarely she finds her mom talking to her like that.
"Huh..? Can i know the reason Ma?" Swallowing hard, Zaina asked in her best pleasing voice to atleast get an answer to this question.

"Why? Didn't Hana speak to you about this earlier?" Her mom asked Zaina with a suspicious look.
"No ma, no one usually temme anything that happens in this house right?" Zaina responded to her mom with a possible neutral face.

Her mom's face turned expressionless for a moment. It was hard for Zaina to absorb her mom's expression to say what is she thinking. Finally her mom looked at Zaina again, with a controlling-all-the-anger-for-the-time-being look.
"Zaina, look, you're getting proposed. Your insha-allah future In-laws are coming to see you. I'm sorry i'd have informed you all by myself without relying on Hana. But I was busy. Now go, put on a nice dress and stay in the room." And she turned back to her own works.
'There stood the girl dumbstruck, whom people thought was a dummy!'

Please show your support by voting/commenting and let me know if i should go ahead with this story.

:please avoid the mistakes that you'd find! Cze I never spare time to re-read and correct it! B'cuz.... Literally I don't have time..!! I just type these stories during the break time I get after a few tiresome hours of studying!
Just for another 3 months bear with me and my mistakes..! Cze I have mah FINAL EXAMS within another 3 months!! :/


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