What is to be done?

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  "Hey gals! Don't move an inch ok! I am super duper nervous!" Said Ziya who was seated in the throne.

"You have gone dumb! Just chill boo. We look like flower girls!" Said Haya.
"Yeah man! Let us go! Bridey dream about your tonight with your cheesy hubby!" Winked Shaifa, and the three of them got down from the throne by letting Ziya blush.

"Hey Hana's calling, it wont be clear if I answer here, um going up! Any volunteer?" Asked Zaina.

"You know right! Thats us!" Said Haya and Shaifa together and the all three went to Ziya's room, as the reception was at home.

When they enter Ziya's room, there were two males, while one is tying the tie on to the other person's collar.
"Uh-ohh ss..sorry" apologized the three and turned their way.

"Zaina!" Hushed a voice from the room, where the three of them hardly heard.

"Hey wait!" Came a voice behind them. The voice seem super familiar and the all three turned their heads to see who that was.

To their amazement, there stood a least expected person, Hakam.
"Please! I wanna talk to your'll! Three of your'll! Please don't say no!" Said Hakam.

"Bro! Who are these?" Asked the other person, who was Raihan, confused.
"Zaina!" Said Hakam under his breathe, almost shocked and surprised.
Two tears escaped Zaina's eyes.
"Hakam!! How come?" Asked Shaifa and Haya together, stunned.

"Groom is our mate!" Answered Raihan on behalf of speechless Hakam.

"Can we talk, now! Please?" Asked Hakam. "Shaifa and Haya agreed while Zaina is speechless and trying to express millions of emotions within her.

"Everything is over right?" Asked Haya.
"What is over? Not only me, even your'll know who is at fault! Its not Hakam or Zaina! Its Zaina's mom! Zaina and Hakam love each other! Is there a way to patch up?" Asked Raihan.

At the word 'love' , embarrassment filled within Hakam and Zaina.
Zaina just left the room.

"Zain..." Half yelled Hakam, and looked down, hurt.

"Okay.. We can never see our friend suffer like this! Hakam bro! She loves you so much! Please don't give up on her. She is innocent and not to be blamed for whatever her moma does! She has already gone through alot in life. She tries to pretend as if she is fine, while suppressing all her worries inside! Masha allah, Allah has given her so much patience in that case!" Explained Shaifa.

"I know.." Sighed Hakam. Even he is broken. He just wanted to fix Zaina's broken heart. But everything became a flop.

"Any plans?" Asked Haya, looking at Hakam and Raihan, expecting an answer.

After a long thought, Raihan nodded with a yes, grinning.

"First find out the actual reason behind Zaina's mom's disapproval. And tell me! And then I'll reveal my plan!" Said Raihan.

"But how to update?" Asked Haya.

"Whatsapp group?" Suggested Raihan.

"Our numbers? We cant give!!" Said Haya by making a panicked face.

"For your friend's sake! If not forget it!" Said Raihan.

"Hey but?!" Dragged Haya.

"You can trust me! Truly! I wont be asking or suggesting all these if this is not for my friend!" Reassured Raihan.
Finally all were agreed.

"WhatsApp group : ZH mission
Raihan added Shaifa
Raihan added Haya
Raihan added Rifa
Raihan added Hakam"

"Done!" Said Raihan.

"okay done!" Said the other two and left the room.

"Suggest me a group name?" Asked Raihan.

Hakam who was totally blank on what's happening around him, stared at Raihan.
"Uh-umm!" Raihan narrated the whole story to which Hakam totally disagreed upon and finally after much hesitation, he agreed.

"Hey Usman! Wedding! Lets hurry Oi!" And the two rushed to the downstairs.
What do you guys think on why Zaina's mom showed her disapproval for Zaina's and Hakam's marriage?
Any guessing about the actual reason behind her disapproval??

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