Miracle of Allah!

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Narrator's POV:

              Its been 1week after the wedding, life of Hakam and Zaina has turned into a vast different. Zaina couldn't define the happiness she has got from this marriage by words.

          All she thought was about fairytales! Once upon a time she had dreamt that a fairytale is just a tale, has proven her wrong in her own life.  Its like, all her missing puzzles have been fixed. But she feared to be too happy, ofcourse.
She can never forget Hakam's explanation about the love of Prophet (sal) and Aysha rali, during their first outing. One such incident was,

"Aysha rali and Prophet sal used code language with each other denoting their love. She asked Prophet sal how he would describe his love for her.
The Prophet sal answered saying:"Like a strong binding knot." The more you tug, the stronger it gets, in other words.

Every so often Aysha rali would playfully ask "How is the knot?"
The Prophet sal would answer, "as strong as the first day (you asked) "

Aysha rali and Prophet (sal) can be awarded for the best couple forever. They were not wealthy! They didn't go on honeymoons, they didn't live in a mind-blowing house, they didn't have any children of their own, they didn't have enough food to eat, Prophet sal in the beginning was bullied and avoided by almost whole of the nation. But Aysha rali didn't mind any of these. She believed in Allah and his messenger!

And they loved each other infinitely with a mutual understanding. They lived and loved for the sake of Allah, whereas Allah's blessings was always with them!! Subhanallah!

Hakam and Zaina too had a mutual understanding within them. Hakam always reminded Zaina about the al-mighty Allah!

As Hakam and Zaina had similar views and expectation on how their life should be, it made their living easier and healthier. They too loved each other for the sake of Ar-Rahman. They had a genuine love towards each other.

Both of their aim was to live an islamic lifestyle and create a pious generation. Zaina never wanted her children to undergo the same trauma which she had undergone in her childhood.

Though she didn't get her mother's love during her childhood, now its like, it has returned.

Hafiya aunty is a caring mother and Rifa is a caring sister. She never missed a chance to thank Allah swt. He is the almighty, he take something and replace it with something more better.

Her every drop of tears she shed during her past life has now replaced with beautiful smiles. Thats the miracle of Allah.

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