He is the best of the planners

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Two weeks later....
Everything is over. Gifts have been returned back to Hafiya's place. Not only Hakam and Zaina is broken through this. Even Rifa, Shaifa and Haya too.

      During the past few days, they tried their best to make this marriage work. If it's been within the islamic boundary, there wouldn't have been any problems.

     But Hakam, he didn't have any choice. He wanted to make Zaina happy. Because he was the one who has ever encountered the other side of Zaina. He wasn't to be blamed.

     Hafiya's family wasn't westernized than Sameera's family. Everyone knew it. Even Sameera. But no one couldn't find the real reason behind her sudden disapproval for the marriage.

Maybe it's the Qadr of Allah, thought Zaina, although she was broken to the crest.

Hakam, on the other hand, for the first he has ever cried over something.

   "Bhai! It'd be hard for you. I didn't come to console you okay! Because.. We have lost a treasure. Wish Babh... I mean.. she could have voiced against this.. I donno.. She is just too innocent and she put her happiness down to make others happy! Allahu Ahlam...., I just miss her god damn muchhhh!" Sobbed Rifa on Hakam's lap.

    Hakam didn't reply. He couldn't concentrate even in his business life. Everyone in his family knew that Hakam loved Zaina so much.
*Too much of everything at times is good for nothing!*

"Hakam, can I come in?" Knocked Hafiya. Hakam wasn't concentrating and he didn't hear his Mom speaking.
Hafiya shook her head.

    She is extremely worried to see her son in this state, because she has never seen him like this before. As Hakam was the fun-boaster of the family.
She walked towards Hakam.

"Sweetheart! Assalamu alaikum! Pa is waiting for you downstairs. For how long you both gonna be like this? Even we miss Zaina! If there is a Qadr everything will fall in its place. Maybe Allah is testing us or else even there can be something good in this! Ok? Now wakeup both of your'll!" Patted Hafiya on both Rifa's and Hakam's shoulders.

"Ma that girl is innocent! I just wanted to make her happy. That day she beamed with happiness. Her mum is making things worse for her. She is a girl who deserves to be happy ma! I wanted to make her happy Ma! Why it's her always? I just can't digest the fact Ma!" Spoke Hakam, almost in a broken voice by throwing his hands on his Ma's shoulder.

    Hafiya hugged her son and she couldn't control her tears. "Everything will be fine darling! Allah test the people whom he love the most! She is Masha Allah an innocent flower! Allah will never let her down!" Patted Hafiya.

Ya Rabb! Please make things easy for these children Ya rabb! Please make this marriage work Ya Rabb! You are the best of the planners Ya Rabb!
Prayed Hafiya under her breathe.

"If there is something you want in life and you are not praying tahajjud for it you don't really want it." — Shaykh Yasir Qadhi"

Zaina frequently prayed her thahajjath prayers. At this point, she missed everything! Almost everything!
She missed Rifa mostly! Zaina, who was totally broken by this incident, she couldn't come out of it! Infact she turned to be more isolated than she was before the proposal!

"Qadr of allah!!" Those were the only words that consoled her!

"I knew it! This marriage wasn't a good one! He and his family.., hilarious!! Celebrating birthday parties.. Eww.. It won't be a surprise if they celebrate halloween and easter either..." Said Hana to Sameera. Sameera nodded in disgust.

"You are very right! Who knows! Thank god i rescued this girl's life before things get even worser! She gotta be grateful for this through out her life!" Said Sameera by pointing at Zaina.

Zaina, who was reading a book, couldn't tolerate their talk! So she stood up and walked towards her room.

"Look at her adamance!! I'm speaking and she.., without minding it, just walked out.." Zaina heard her mom yelling behind her.

    With a clenched fist, she shut the room door and texted Shaifa and Haya.

Zaina: "Assalamu alaikum girls! I don't know! Mum and Hana is tormenting me by words.. It's so hard for me to be here! Can your'll please drop by?"
After few minutes she heard her phone beep!

Shaifa: wa alaikumsalam Zain! I donno what's wrong with that lady! I feel like making a knuckle sandwich on her nose! (Sorry for that) but true the fact! A lady can never be so mean!

Haya: helloo and assalamu alaikum people! *Giggles* true the fact! But i thought of doing something more worse... Like..
Grabbing her small intestine and make sausages!

Zaina: whoa! Whoa! Girls! *grins* allahu akbar! I thought your'll are so innocent!! *expressionless face!"

Shaifa: we are ofcourse innocent.. But.. If someone hurts you.., we are ready to finish her off! *angry face with horns*

Zaina: you guys are the best! I'm so lucky to have you both in my life! Alhamdhulillah! *tears of happiness*

Haya: we too idiot!! Love you! Before that.. Will you please open your room door for us? *winking face*

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