Happy-wappy texts.

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Hakam prayed his fajr prayers and was lost in his own thoughts. Usually he use to sleep after fajr. But after the Monday's incident, he couldn't sleep. He wasn't either excited or worried.

      He couldn't exactly say how he was feeling at the moment. This was a huge step he is going to keep in his life. He was the kind of person who had a dream about his future life-partner.

     To his relief, his Isthiharah prayers were positive. Zaina was a good girl and he felt it, he had fallen for her. She has something that attracted him. He couldn't actually say what was it.

    He always wanted an innocent girl, and Zaina of course was an innocent. He loved the way she blushed, the way she spoke, the way she tried to explain things, she was pretty. But something hid her beauty. She wasn't naturally happy, Hakam felt at his first sight when she spoke.

     But at the time she blushed, her eyes twinkled and she really was happy at the time when she saw him. Hakam chuckled at this thought.

    Now, she is going to be his. He has to make her happy in all the ways' he can. Just to see those two eyes twinkling, God!, he felt like he could go to any extent.

  "Bhai..! Bhai..! Bhai..! Guess who has watsapped me...?" Rifa came rushing towards Hakam's door, waving her phone in the air.

"How will i know idiot..?" Asked Hakam in a mockery-annoyed tone.
"Hugh!" Sighed Rifa dramatically.
"Aloo bro! The person who has texted me has something to do with you, that's why I'm asking you to guess!"

Hakam threw a questioning look, and finally he got the irony. But still he wore that innocent face just to grab the phone from Rifa. Just within a second, Rifa's phone was in Hakam's hand. "Oh my god! Bro...! My babhi is onlineeee...! Gimme the phone..! We have some family plus girlie girlie issues to talk..." Half-shouted Rifa.

"My dear baby sister.., how about.. playing a prank on my dear Wifey..?" Winked Hakam.
Rifa smirked at Hakam. Tonight's prey for Hakam and Rifa was Zaina.

Rifa: hey bhabs!

Zaina: hey! Where were u?

Rifa: Was watching Animal planet!

Hakam threw a pillow into Rifa's face, getting the irony of it. Rifa giggled at her bro.

Zaina: aw..! U wanna watch? Am I disturbing you?

Rifa/Hakam : uh-noo..! Not at all..! How are u..?

Zaina: alhamdhulillah! I'm doing good. Wbu?

Hakam: Alhamdhulillah!:) same here after the proposal.;)

"Oh Crap!" Said Hakam, while Rifa laughed out loud at her bro's weird behaviors.

Rifa/Hakam: I mean, I have got an awesome babhi!;) so life is great.

Zaina: ohh! :) I'm just happy to hear that!! And same here. I too have got a lovely everything..! Alhamdhulillah!

Hakam chuckled. "Awwiee! Babhi..!" Said Rifa.

Rifa/Hakam: everything means..??:p

Zaina: Heyyyy Rif...;) i can smell the sarcasm...! You're making me turn into a tomato.;(

Hakam couldn't help himself chuckle again. He smirked at Zaina's reply. At that moment, he heard his phone ringing, and it was from his office, as he couldn't deny he stood up and went out to answer half-heartedly, just as he'll miss the fun.

Rifa: awwiee bhabs..! I'm missing the scene.

Zaina: lol! Thank god;)

Rifa: bhabs..! Wanna say you something that'll make your nerves hop up and dance hiphop! ;D

Zaina: oh my god! Whatsat..? :o

Rifa: actually....

Zaina: actually..?

Rifa: all these time... Bhai was next to me and half the texts were sent by him..! :p :D sowwiee bhabs..! It was just a prank.. And you made him.... BLUSH!! 8-D

Zaina stood dumbstruck...

Rifa: hehe..! Bhabs..! :P stop blushing! I'm enjoying this like... Oh my god! I can't laugh anymore..:D my tummy is going to burst!"

Zaina: oh my god.. Rifffaaa...!! Ugh... Gonna sleeppp.. Catch u later..! Feeamanillah!

Zaina felt it to be the most embarrassing and awkward moment. But still,
she enjoyed it!

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