From my life to OUR LIFE!

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Hakam's POV:

Alhamdhulillah is the magical word I have ever known. Its not only the word of praise to Allah swt. Its just the simplest way of thanking Allah which creates a great impact in our hearts. Everything seem to have fallen into its due place!
I heard my phone ringing and it was Zaina. I just smiled to myself.

"Assalamu alaikum Ma!" I greeted.
"Wa AlaikumWassalam zouj!" She greeted back.

"How is my wifey doing?" I asked her.
"Alhamdhulillah good! And how is my Zouj doing?" She asked me.

"Alhamdhulillah I am good! Seems like... someone is missing me!" I teased her.
"Umm.. I think.. No one is missing you..!" She said with a little laugh.
I just chuckled.
"But I miss..." I just dragged.
"You miss..??" She asked.
"I miss my umm.. Breakfast!" I said with a wink.
"How mean! I know you are missing me my dear hubby!" Said Zaina!
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Ummm.. Be..cause.. I missed you!" She said.
I just chuckled.
"But... I never missed you!" I said her.
She was quite for sometime.

"Sweetheart?" I spoke innocently.

"Mm?" She mumbled which I could hardly hear.
"I was just kidding sweetheart.. I missed you!! More than you can ever imagine!" I said her.

"You are just consoling me I know!" She said silently.
But before I say anything, a staff knocked my cabin door.
"I am sorry Ma, I am busy right now! I'll get to you later! Feeamanillah!" I said her.

Oops! Now its like more fuel was added to the charcoal.

"Hmm! Feeamanillah! Take care!" She said and kept the call.

I just chuckled! Its so fun to have little not-exactly-fights! 
But truly I miss her every single minute when I am away from her.

I gotta do something!

Zaina's POV:

I know Hakam missed me! I felt it in his voice! And I know its one of his super interesting act to pull my leg.
But he always have a hard time in consoling me and I love it!
So much have changed from my life to our lives.

Now its like my happiness has turned into his happiness!
He is really possessive! And he has protective-jealousy.
Its so funny when he gets jealous!
"Prophet sal have said that every man must have protective jealousy towards his woman!"

Now that I had a little funny fight with him, I thought of maintaining it for sometime as usual.

"Bhabi.. Can I come in?" Knocked Rifa.
"Yeah Rif come!" I said.

"Assalamu alaikum! Today is so boring! Any plans?" She asked me by falling in to the sofa hopelessly.

I just laughed at her.
"Ummm.. What about.. Doing some handicrafts?" I suggested.

"No way babhi! No wayy! I don't have such a lot of patience as you know!" She mumbled.

Finally after much persuasions,
"Then.. Umm lets make something delicious!" I suggested.
After a lot of mumblings, she agreed with me.

We both checked out some recipes and planned to make lasagna.
For the final touch we wanted some lettuce and spinach leaves.
As it was time for Hakam to return home, I told Rifa to tell Hakam to buy them on his way.

As my phone was in hand I gave it to her, she gave me a suspicious look as I could say it all by myself. I urged her to go on.

Rifa, called Hakam. I was controlling my laughter because I just imagined the scenario!
After what it seems like two rings, he answered the phone.

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