It's the DAY!

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Hakam's POV:

From the day proposal was re-fixed, I didn't see Zaina. I had many things to ask from her now, than earlier. But I'm sure when I see her, nothing will come to my mind.

      Me, Raihan and Usman came for my Nikah shopping. Tomorrow it's the day! Raihan and Usman wanted everything to be perfect and new! From clothing to my hairstyle.

"Man! Those are women's concern!" I said them for more than a millionth time!

"Remember what your'll did to me!!" Said Usman throwing a deathly look. I just raised my hands in surrender.

True! Before Usman's Nikah day, we three went shopping at morning nine and returned home on the next day nine!

Nearly one day was spent for a trouser, shirt and shoes! We go to a shop, ask for a shirt and that too in luminous colors and make Usman wear it, and we pretend as if we are really going to buy it, and when the salesperson throw that-look on us, we just casually come out of the shop as if nothing happened!
And we played prank on the Cashier! The hairstyle for Usman was the funniest part! And we did much more! But that was a great memo we had together before his wedding.

The happiness and fun when being with friends is unique! Because their craziness and our craziness sync together! And thats why they are called 'friends'!
Raihan and Usman had always been there for me through thick and thin!

Zaina's POV:

"Tomorrow... It's the day..!! I'm super nervous" I said to Shaifa, Haya, and Ziya for more than one hundredth time.

"Experience it ma'am!!" Squeezed Ziya. I gave her a you-were-in-my-shoes look!
"In vain Hafiya aunty bought you an attire to wear for tomorrow's function! If not we would have emptied your wallet by now!" Said Haya to which Shaifa agreed upon.

"Thanks to my mom in law!" I said with a huge relief. Haya threw a pillow at me.

"Girls..!! Tomorrow someone will be Mrs. Hakam!" Said Ziya.

Oh my god! Ok now they have started bugging me! And Now I know they won't stop! So this is the time to escape from them and I slowly tried to sneak away from them.

"Ma'am where are you going? We are not going to leave you! Just stay!" Said the detector Shaifa and caught my hand.
     Three of them made me sit in the middle and were pulling my leg.

     "Tomorrow, our numbers will be blocked in someone's phone! They'll be busy talking to their handsome hunk!" Said Haya.
"Noooo girls.. Your'll are so mean!" I said by burying my face inside my hands.
"Aw... Look look.. Zainnn.. You have turned into pitch red..!!" Said Ziya by closing her mouth.
"No um nottt!" I said them.

"Mrs. Hakam! Spare some of your blushes to your Prince charming either..!!!!" Said Shaifa.

God! These girls!

"You guys are.. Impossible!" I said them.
"Okay.. Now... Shaifa, you have to act like Hakam and I'll be Zaina! We'll imitate their first telephone conversation!" Said Haya.

"What..?? Nnoo noo!! Its.. I cant! Dont girlss!!" I said them. This is going to be totally embarrassing.

"You wait! We'll watch how they act!" Said Ziya giggling and stroking her hands in excitement.

Okay! Now I'm dead!" I sighed.

Shaifa: "Tring tringg..!"
Haya:  hello! Who is this?
Shaifa: Hello sweetheart! This is Hakam!
Haya: Aw.. Hello darling! How are yew?

    "Girlsss!! Stoppp it!!! Its is so awkwarddd..!" I said them.

   "No no no.. We are not gonna stopp!" Said Shaifa and Haya together, while Ziya is still giggling for their imitation! Ya Allah! These girls!

"Ok... Now its quite late! So.. its time to apply mehendi unfortunately..!! Shall we begin girls?" Asked Haya.

"Alhamdhulillah! Finally I'm released!" I said.
"You are not ma'am!! Tomorrow after the Nikah.... You gonna see...!!" Said Shaifa, gleefully.

After the mehendi was perfectly done by Shaifa and Ziya, we had a long talk. As it was quite late, everyone went to sleep. I was hurt that Mom didn't even have a check on me. But that's ok! I'm used to it.
        Even during a festival day, When me and Hana got dressed, my Ma will just hug Hana and kiss her on the cheek by complimenting on her clothing and looks. But she never does that to me! At first I was hurt. Alot.
But now, Alhamdhulillah! I have the courage to bear all those!

I saw Shaifa, Haya and Ziya are in a deep sleep. But I couldn't sleep! Though I tried to close my eyes, trillions of thoughts disturbed my mind! So I just went to the terrace to get some fresh air.
            I was thinking that, within a few days I'll leave this house! Though I don't have any sweet memories to be taken from this house, I'll miss my mom! No matter what, we have lived together! I wish alteast on the wedding day, she might give me a hug!

    My whole life is going to change within few hours. Though it was the mid-night before my nikah, it was nothing when compared to Hana's nikah day.          
The whole house was filled with Ma's family and Pa's family. We had BBQ party and we had a huge sleep over. They played family games and it had the real smell of those desi weddings. I'm not worried about it!

Alhamdhulillah! I always wished for a most simple wedding! Allah made it simple and I'm so grateful to him!


Love you all my readers!
May Allah grant your'll happiness!!:)

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