The unavoidable moment.

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"Bhabiiii.....!" Rifa pulled Zaina into a bear hug and blew a kiss on her cheek.
"Rifa! Assalamu alaikumm! What a great surprise..!" Said Zaina hugging back.
It was Hana's nikah day, and while having the wedding next day, the house was filled with visitors.

"Soo she is Rifa..?" Asked Haya and Shaifa. Zaina, who had completely forgotten about them, quickly turned to them and nodded in excitement.

They both gave a friendly hug to Rifa, while Zaina introduced them to her.
"Rifa, we have heard alot about you" said Haya.

"Hey Rifa, where is Reema and Ma?" Asked Zaina in a hurry before Rifa reply to Haya.
"Aw.. Someone is so excited to meet their in-laws.. They're downstairs " giggled Rifa along with Haya and Shaifa.

"You guys are impossible! Lemme meet them and come..," said Zaina and headed towards downstairs in search of her in-laws, and finally she spotted them, she could only see her mother-in-law Hafiya and Reema was talking to someone turning her back to Zaina.
She, wearing a shy smile, went near Hafiya, "assalamu alaikum aunty" hugged Zaina.

Hafiya turned towards Zaina in excitement saying "walaikum wassalam darlinggg" and hugged her back.
"I was looking for you! You look gorgeous Masha allah" praised Hafiya and quickly Reema turned towards Zaina to see whom her Ma was talking to.

"Jazakallah aunty" blushed Zaina.
"Assalamu alaikumm Zaina..!" Hugged Reema and Zaina greeted Reema hugging her back.
And then only Zaina noticed that Hakam was standing beside Reema and all these time Reema was talking to Hakam.

Zaina felt herself blushing.
Hakam was stunned to see Zaina, she looked extraordinarily pretty. Quickly Hakam smiled at Zaina and lowered his gaze by excusing himself from them.

    Hafiya and Reema smirked at Hakam by looking at the awkward moment of Hakam and Zaina. Zaina was still in the tomato color.

  "Ahemm" fake-coughed Reema. Shyness and embarrassment filled Zaina's face. At that moment, Zaina's phone rang and it was Hana.

Zaina, excused herself from them by thanking Hana for calling and rescuing her.

"What on earth are you doing Zain? Where are you? Just bring five glasses of drink to my room! Now itself." Yelled Hana over the phone and hung up.

   Zaina was so hurt. Fighting back the tears, she went to the kitchen to fetch a few glasses of drink to serve Hana and her friends.

   "Hana can I come in?" Knocked Zaina.
"Ahh! Come come!" Replied Hana in an annoyed voice.
With a zipped lip, she went in. Hana was beautifully dressed and seated in a couch beside her bed, surrounded by her friends.

By the sight of Zaina, Hana stoodup and came near Zaina to get the tray. At a stretch she grabbed the tray from Zaina while Hana's stoned rings dragged against Zaina's fingers. Zaina, half-shouting, quickly dropped the tray in Hana's hand and saw Hana's devil-smile at her, "you deserve that ma'am" hushed Hana.

    With tears-filled eyes and bleeding fingers, Zaina, ran towards the balcony behind the room, that made her out of sight from everyone.

   "I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry..." Hushed Zaina under her breathe, while tears flowing down her cheeks.
    Finally, she couldn't hold back, she let her tears go. She started sobbing, thinking that happiness is not permanent to her.
     Why is her own sister treating her like that? Questioned Zaina to herself. She cried harder.

    "Zaina...." She heard someone calling her. To her shock, it was Hakam. He came rushing towards Zaina.
"Hey.. Zaina... What's wrong?" Asked Hakam in concerned tone, really worried.

    Zaina was blank, and she hardly felt herself that she couldn't control. She felt herself under the arms of Hakam, sobbing. Hakam stood thunderstruck without knowing what to do. He knew that it was totally prohibited but he couldn't help.
      He was blank and mentally asking for forgiveness for the unavoidable act. His heart was thudding fast. He left Zaina to finish.

    Zaina, after sometimes got to her sense and realized herself hugging Hakam. Quickly she released herself.

    Hakam looked at Zaina, concerned.
"Zaina.., calm down! I really can't figure out what's wrong with you... Hmm!" Sighed Hakam.

   Zaina hardly found words to speak. She was blank and didn't know what to say.
"I-uh-i.. Uhm sso-so-rr-ee" cracked Zaina. That's all she could come up with. She felt the warmth under Hakam's arms. They both were made for each other.

"That's alright! Are you okay now?" Asked Hakam. Zaina nodded inbetween her tears.

"Okay.. Then prove me that you're fine!" Hakam said folding his arms and throwing a mock-serious look.
"Uh..humm.. How..?" Asked Zaina abit taken back.

"Prove that you're okay with a smile!" Said Hakam in a mocking tone.
A smile escaped Zaina's lips between her tears.

"Now temme, are you ok?" Asked Hakam again.
Zaina nodded with a smile this time. Hakam nodded back returning the smile.

"I'm not gonna ask about what's bothering you..., but I want you to smile like this, and if something bothers you, just recite ayathul-qursi.., that'll help you in a great way!" Smiled Hakam reassuringly.

(I want you to smile like this, forever! I'll go to any extent to see that smile on your face) thought Hakam and prayed to make it Halal. Yes, he wanted to make her happy.

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