Halal Outing and dating.

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Zaina's POV:

Rifa called me and asked me to get ready to go shopping.
"How am I suppose to ask permission from Ma?" I asked her.

"You have a hubby now! Plus no worries! Ma informed your Mom! Come on get readyyy!!" She said and before I reply anything, she just kept the phone.

I got dressed and wrapped a shawl around me. I heard the car horn. I informed Ma and went to the car wishing Rifa and Hafiya aunty would be there.

To my shock, Hakam got down from the car and opened the door for me! I stood stunned with my eyes open, widely.

"Assalamu alaikum sweetheart!" He greeted.
Sweetheart? What was that? Come on! What's wrong in that? I'm his wife now! I mentally spoke to myself.

But.. Where is Rifa and them? 1000s of questions were now buzzing around my head. I was foolishly staring at him with dropped jaw.

"Zain.. Are you ok..? Come on! Get in!" He instructed while holding my hands.
I felt myself turning into a tomato.
We got in and he started driving.

"Wa alaikumwassalam!" I greeted back.
He gave me a confused look and smiled to himself.
"You look beautiful! Masha Allah!" He commented.

Ok! Today I'm gonna be fully drenched in red color!

I murmured a jazakallah to which he just smiled and shook his head. I couldn't raise my eyes and look at him. I know he is my husband! But still!

"Umm.. Where is Rifa? She told she too will be coming..." I dragged by expecting an answer from him.
Again he smiled at my question.

"You still donno about Rifa..? He asked in a sarcastic voice and winked at me.
"She ditched me..! How mean!" I said under my breathe to which he laughed at. That means he heard me? Oops! This is totally embarrassing!

"She wanted to surprise you!" Said Hakam while I just smiled at him.
Rifa loves me! But.. Now it seems like she loves Hakam more.

"Where are we going?" I asked him abit hesitantly and I was surprised by my own question. I felt so comfortable with him as if he is my best friend! What's wrong with me?

He gave me a surprise stare and then he smirked!
"Its... a surprise! In short.. Ummm Its... kind of a.. Dating?!" He said.

"Hum? What? Dating?" I asked reluctantly, to which he just chuckled.

I felt totally embarrassing. How did I get to be this talkative? I questioned myself.
"Umm.. Yup! Dating!" He said and winked at me.

I just drop my head down, with an uncontrollable smile. I felt butterflies flying all over my tummy. Its totally a new feeling!

I have never felt so happy and free like this! Its like I'm with someone whom I have destined to be with. I felt so happy inside out! I praised Allah along with each breathe.

I just raised my eyelids to steal a glance at him through the corner of my eyes. But then I realized he was looking at me.

"Its Halal!" He said after sometime.
I threw him a questioning look.
"I mean the Outing and Dating!" He said with a wink, and he just chuckled.
Involuntarily a grin formed in my face. He's such a cutoo!

"Alhamdhulillah! I know!" I nodded understandingly, to which he chuckled.

After sometime, he just turned to me and asked,
"Do you have atleast a tiny clue on how this dating is going to be?"

"Ummm.. Mhmm..!!" I said with a shrug after thinking for sometime.

"Just think sweetheart!" He told me.
"Ummm... Clue?" I asked him.

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