Chapter 1 - "The Nicest Girl in the Lands..."

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Chapter 1 - "The Nicest Girl in the Lands..."

Clara Oswald was born on a white winters day, in November.

Her mother held her close, as she breathed shallow breaths, whilst she welcomed the little girl to the world.

'She's going to be amazing' her mother smiled as she ran a thumb over the little girls cheek, and the baby smiled back up at her, showing her mother, the glistening brown eyes.

'She's just perfect' she whispered.

- - -

Clara's PoV

'Happy Birthday' my Dad said, as he handed me the small puppy. He was adorable with his little chubby cheeks and beautiful pure black ears.

'You got me a puppy?' I grinned so happy that it was finally mine.

'What else would a Dad save up for, for his daughter for her 21st birthday?' He chuckled, when he ran his hand over the puppy's ears.

Already the puppy had snuggled into my chest and found a friend in me, just as I hoped he would keep me company. 'What will you call him?' Dad asked.

'Lucky. Because I'm sure he'll bring great luck' I smiled, pulling my Dad in for a massive hug, as we sat by the fireplace. 'She would have loved the puppy' I said, acknowledging the portrait of my Mum on the wall.

'She would have done I'm sure. But she would have loved you even more. Your so much like her in your older age' he chuckled.

'Thanks Dad' I laughed, as the door opened hastily.

'Sir. Your needed' one of my Dads helpers demanded.

'This is my day off. November 23rd. Has been my day off every year for 21 years' he snapped.

'But sir there is disaster'

'Go Dad, your needed. Me and lucky will get acquainted' I smiled motioning for him to go.

I stood up with the frail puppy only weeks old in my arms and ran up the stairs to my room. I followed the corridor to my room, and stepped inside.

For a country mans daughter, we were surprisingly well off. The house was one of luxury, with 4 bedrooms, two lounges, kitchen and small basement. My room was located right down the corridor from Dads, and was where I spent a lot of time - when I'm not at he stables.

I dropped the black puppy onto the bed, and pulled out the sewing machine. I knew the best thing to do was to make a blanket for the small puppies bed, so started threading colours together.

'Knock. Knock'

I looked up from my work and grinned when Dad went to sit on the bed next to the lucky. 'I have to go away Clara' he said.

'Oh. Well okay. I can hold down the fort while your away. How long for this time? A week? Two?'

'Two months' he whispered.

'Your leaving for two months? But that's such a long time?' I pouted sitting next to him.

'I'm sorry but there has been a disaster. I have to sort it out' he smiled sadly. 'I hate to leave you on your birthday, so I'll give you the present now'

'You already got me a present' I pointed out, motioning to lucky who was curled against my pillow, making himself quite comfortable.

'I know. But this is from your mother. She wanted you to have her engagement ring. She wanted you to have it on your 21st birthday' he said tearing up.

'But I'm not getting married'

'I know. But I still want you to have it. It's still yours and yours only' he smiled.

I wasn't sure what to say, but took the crystal ring that Dad had said had been passed down all of his family, and placed it on one of the silver chains that I have, then he clasped it on my neck. 'She might not be here in person but she's here in spirit' he smiled pulling me in for another hug. 'Now I must go. But I'll see you in 8 mear weeks. Hold down the fort and loom after that dog of yours' he smirked.

'I will. Don't worry about anything here Dad' I laughed, as he picked his suitcase up, and left. I waved him goodbye and shut the door leaving me in a very lonely house - which was almost cold alone.

The snow had started to fall again. Just like the day I was born, and it seemed highly appropriate for it to stick to the ground on this day.

Just when I felt like crying was my only option, I heard a yap from beneath my feet, where lucky was looking up at me with chocolate eyes. 'Do you want some diner?' I asked, crouching down to his level and he jumped in my arms.

I placed a bowl in front of him by my feet and tucked into my usual birthday feast, snuggling up to watch the telly, because it seemed like that's all I could really do this evening.

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