Chapter 9 - "Will you Dance with me...?"

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Chapter 9 - "Will you Dance with me...?"

Clara's PoV

I was a real rush of emotions as the car pulled up in front of the palace.

There was so many people going in and out of the gates and I suddenly felt like I didn't belong.

I was worried now. What if I got in there and ended up standing on my own the entire night? At least I'd be here I guess.

I could make polite conversation with everyone and hope that I find sometime to talk to properly. Take the complementary wine and leave.

That was the plan.

But it's funny how your plan never goes to plan.

I ran up the steps, just too exited to breathe. I counted every single one of the 220 steps, and stood a gape at the top, staring at the doors.

Everyone was in there.

Just a few more steps and for one night I'll be treated like a woman and not a slave.

I sucked in one last breath as the doors were about to close and stepped into a luscious hall.

It was golden, and luscious, definitely posh and rich.

I could t imagine having anything like this, as I ran my finger across the immaculate table, where people were leaving coats and bags.

I turned a corner and there it was. The biggest ball I had ever seen, with at least 1000 lights twinkling and hundreds of people all on the dance floor waiting for the prince.

I might be a country girl but a a girl can dream.

It's customary for the Prince to dance on his 21st birthday, beginning the party, and I could tell that the whole hall was nervous about what princess he was going to choose.

I waited patiently as the names of every princess were called out and waited for the announcer to walk away, before I walked down the stairs.

'That's it, that's her' John said in excitement, just as he was about to ask Princess Martha to dance. 'Sorry, you'll have to excuse me a moment' John said much to King David's dismay and Harold's disgust.

I room a step down onto the floor and wondered why everyone was staring when they all parted into two lines on the dance floor.

It was then that I realised the Prince must have been coming into the dance floor so Ioved into the crowed, placing myself right at the edge.

'It's you? You came?' John said and my eyes widened as everything began to make sense.

'John?' I whispered.

'That's me. And your her. The girl from the forest' he chuckled.

I bowed down almost instantly when k realised he was the Prince.

'What are you doing?'

'Only what is customary' I said awkwardly. It was then that things really kicked in.

I had slept with the Prince. The actual future King.

'Then I wind what is only customary. Will you dance with me?' He asked slowly, extending an arm out for me to take.

I stood up and wasn't at all sure how to really process all this. Was the Prince seriously asking me to dance? 'Don't you have a future wife waiting?'

'No not yet' he chuckled. 'Now is that a yes?' He asked as I room home of his arm and swallowed.

'Yes' I grinned, following his lead onto the dance floor and realised how mortifying this was going to be. 'I umm, I can't dance. I've never danced' I admitted as he laughed, a breathy laugh.

'Don't worry. Just follow my lead' he whispered in my ear, as he leaned in closer and placed a hand around my waist, pushing his hips to mine.

Everything about me stilled with how close in proximity we were. I wasn't this nervous that last time we touched... But I guess we were alone, weren't being watched and things were far more relaxed.

'Just breathe' he laughed, into the silence. 'Ready?' He asked as I leant up, wrapping my arms around his neck, as the music began to play.

I had never danced at all in my life, but for some strange reason, I followed his foot steps down to every last detail, forwards, back. Side to side, around. Twists and turns and he pulled me up into the air, twirling me around the dance floor.

'What happened to I can't dance?' He chuckled.

'I really can't. I have no idea why I am dancing or how right now' I admitted but assumed it was the shoes. They were magical after all.

'Mm. I don't believe you' he grinned, lifting me up again, twisting me around his body, and taking me back into hold, as we flows around the dance floor.

'Everyone's looking at you' I said to him, as all eyes were on him.

'Believe me... They've seen enough of me. They are all looking at you' he chuckled, spinning me round into one last twirl, as I landed on hold, and the music stopped.

I breathed deeply worn out, as the next song started and everyone partnered up around us, twirling and spinning just like we had.

He looked at me and grinned. 'Ball rooms are so formal. Wanna get out of here?' I asked point in at the door.

'It's your party?'

'I won't be missed' he chuckled, entwining his fingers in mine and led me out of the ball room, into the corridor.

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