Chapter 11 - "The Ring..."

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Chapter 11 - "The Ring..."

Clara's PoV

'You are to waste no expense in finding her. My father gave me very specific consent to marry whom I please. I will find her even if she wishes not to be found. Send out a message. Radios, the Internet, letters... However you feel but send out this;

"King John requests that the girl from the ball make herself known at the place immediately.

Should she bring the glass slipper with her - on her acceptance King John will marry said woman and they will live happily ever after"

'Oh my god. Even if it doesn't fit. We have to try it on. What if we get the opportunity to be the Kings wife?' Amy squeaked and Rose and Melody got excited.

I felt a small smile creep onto my face and almost sprinted to my bedroom in the basement.

I had hidden the other slipper in the basement for safe keeping and to remind me of the night of the ball but almost choked when I saw glass everywhere on the wooden floor of my basement.

'How?' I whispered bending down to see the slipper in ruins

'Oh you know how deer. Your no queen material' Melody chuckled. 'I have information'

'What information? How did you know it was me?'

'Don't make up silly stories deer. You won't be a queen because your just a farmers daughter... And now you have no evidence that it was you' she chuckled.

'But their sending people - footman round with the other slipper to see if it fits other people's feet. They'll find me' I said knowing I was right.

'They won't sweetheart. Because you need to protect your precious prince. You ain't go to him because if you do... I blab. To the entire nation. To all the lands about your little one night stand with our highness'

I gasped.

'You have no proof' I said squinting my eyes.

'Are his underpants proof enough? Why would you have these if you hadn't spent the night with him?' She laughed. It was true that I had taken them and at the time it seemed like a funny idea making him go back to his house stark bullock naked under his trousers, but now I know he's the prince it seems like a pretty awful mistake. 'Now you stay down here like a good girl, and your secret is safe with me' she laughed.

I nodded sadly knowing that I was never getting out of this place but knew if this came out then I would be jailed and his reputation would be over. My question was though how she even came upon this information.

I had a mans underwear yes. But how did she know they were the Kings?

- - -

'Your not trying hard enough, because if you was then I would have found her by now'

'John if you don't fulfil this silly pile dream... You will marry the princess Martha right?' Harold asked.

'Only if I don't find her. And believe me I will be sending people high and low to find her' John demanded.

It was true because that's exactly what he did. He sent people out to every single house across the land.

Every woman was entitled to try the glass slipper that had been left behind on, but it refused to fit anyone's feet.

John was bringing to think that magic really did exist because it must have been tailored to exactly her feet.

'I just wish I knew her name' John snapped as he crashed his fist on the table, looking at the map.

'We've checked every single house sir. Tested the shoe on every single foot. She's not wanting to be found' Harold said.

'I don't believe that. Why would she hide? Her life was shit. She admitted that. I'm literally offering her a life she can't live without me yet she's hiding?'

'Ever wondered if she's being held against her will?' Rory asked.


'A pretty young girl who slept with the King. Now there's a story for the papers. Not just that the fact that your the king? Was there anyone - did she mention anyone that would have been jealous if she married the king? A friend? A family member?' Rory asked trying to help out the best he could.

He wouldn't give up until John found this girl, even if it meant checking the land 10 times.

He was sick of seeing people trying to force their foot into the shoe and failing. Sweaty, disgusting unwashed feet.

But he was starting to wonder if this was worth it... Of if there was more to this story than they knew about this mysterious girl.

'Her Step mother and step sisters treat her like shit... But whose family doesn't---' John paused having a though. 'Wait a minute. That's it' he said having had a great idea. 'I need the keys to the jewellery room' John demanded.

'Your highness. What are we doing?' Harold demanded.

'The night of my party, we were in this room. We kissed and she noticed this ring. I've never seen someone so upset' he said searching the room and found it. 'This one' he soda pointing towards the crystal ring with the diamond blue gem in the middle.

'Why would she notice a kings ring? Oh because she wants money. You have no proof it belongs to her' Harold snapped.

'Rory. You bought this one off a woman. Which woman?'

'I don't know. I meet a lot of women. I can never tell' Rory said which made John sigh. He pulled the ring out the glass and held it in his hand.

'Wait how much did you sell it for? Because...' John grabbed his check book and flicked through. 'Aha. Melody Oswald. She's the only person we've five 8 grand too. And she lives... There' John said pointing at the country house. 'That's where she is. That's where the love of my life is. Everyone buckle up. Bring your swords. Rory. Mount my horse'

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