Chapter 4 - "Wedding Bells and Sorrow..."

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Chapter 4 - "Wedding Bells and Sorrow..."

Clara's PoV

I sped back to the house on the horse because I could not miss this wedding. As much as I despised the woman my Dad was about to marry I couldn't miss this for him.

I didn't even have time to think about the mans deep green eyes until I was stood in my bathroom, applying the face cream.

It seemed completely ridiculous that a face cream would head a cut and make it go away, but for some reason I felt compelled to put it on the cut.

I ran my finger along where the cut should have been five minutes later to find that the cut was completely gone.

There wasn't even a scar.

I didn't think anything of it, I was just in such a rush to get to the wedding, that I didn't have time to comprehend anything.

'I thought you wasn't going to make it' my Dad said sadly as Melody rolled her eyes.

'I was always going to make it for you Dad' I smiled. As I patted the crease in my dress and stood by my fathers side, whilst he married his new love.

- - -

It wasn't long before Melody had her foot in the door.

They went away together for two weeks before returning to work and school, and everything else around us.

Melody insisted upon giving the house a makeover, decorating and trying to remove all trace of my Mum - which for some reason Dad went along with. The pictures we had of her we're now hanging on my bedroom wall, and all her crockery was in here with me.

It bought back fond memories of her, making me hate my father for moving on.

It didn't take too long for Melody to have dismissed the house maids and most of the staff, leaving just us.

She had her friends round every night. Making loud noises and getting drunk, while I served them. I didn't mind too much because Dad paid me for doing so without her knowledge.

It became tedious listening to Amy and Rose fight every single morning about not having enough space to operate and pull each other's hair when they didn't get their own way.

They had my Dad wrapped around their finger though. Always getting him to by designer dresses and the best shoes.

- - -

The end of the summer was near when Dad went was due home again. He had gone away to France on strictly business.

The day arrived that he was due home and I waited patiently by the door. Having cleaned up the entire house and made sure that everyone was fed. Including the two "sister" they eat more than my dog.

I noticed the car in sight and jumped up, to great then, even though it was pouring with rain.

The car pulled up and I waited for him to step out the car but instead a man does. It's his footman, George.

'Miss Clara' he said sadly.

'Where's Dad? Did he have to stay away for longer again?' I asked confused that he wasn't here.

'Clara I'm so sorry' he said gently approaching the topic and I felt my heart fall. Break and shatter into a million pieces. 'Your Dad was hit by a car mere days ago. He sustained complicated injuries that he just couldn't come back from. I'm so sorry but he passed away a week ago'

'My Dads been dead a week... And your only just telling me now?' I snapped. It was unlike me to be rude but I couldn't help it.

I hated not knowing.

'I'm so sorry. But he bought this before he died, knowing how much you'd love it' George said handing me a plastic bag with a dress inside.

I didn't want to open it. I just wanted to cry. 'Please. Just put it in my room' I begged him. 'And don't let them touch it' I said running off into the forest.

I ran and ran, until I knew I wouldn't be able to be found.

I hid behind a bush, near to someone else's land. I didn't want to get caught so came out a bit and hid under the tree where the rain fell on me but I didn't care.

I would get really sick after this but I didn't care. I wanted my Dad back and did not want to be stuck with them as my sisters.

I did not want to be stuck with a step mother. I wanted my Mum back. I wanted my Dad back. But life is full of shit.

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