Chapter 5 - "It Doesn't Rain... It Pours..."

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Chapter 5 - "It Doesn't Rain... It Pours..."

Clara's PoV

I stayed hidden for a while and then heard someone coming.

I knew I had rustled the bushes in an attempt to get away - but tried to stifle the cries.

'Stay. Don't move' someone said as I stayed put. I would not listen but he sounded pretty authoritative right now - and sounded like a voice I have heard before.

'Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry I'll go' I said as I stood up and tried to go but someone caught my wrist.

'It's you' he said stepping into the light with his torch. 'The girl from the forest? Do you have a habit of running into the forest and getting hurt?'

'I'm not hurt' I muttered trying to break free of his grip.

'Your crying?'

'Not because I'm injured' I pointed out as he turned his head to look around.

'My sheds down here. Come on. Let's get you warmed up'

'I'm fine. I was just getting ready to go home' I muttered.

'It's pouring with rain and freezing cold. Come on' he said puling me with him. 'Lets get you warm' he said.

He opened the door to a cabin type thing. The whole place was so much bigger than I had expected it to be, but there was a fire roaring away in the corner, and firewood near by.

'Here. Wear this. I'm sure you'll warm up quickly' he said, handing me a jumper of some sort.

I didn't hesitate to pull it over myself and snuggle a little into it. 'So. Miss. What were you doing in the forest alone at night? During the day I understand, but the night is a dangerous place' he said sternly.

'I can take care of myself. My Dad taught me well' I said, my eyes welling with tears as I talked about my Dad.

'What's wrong? Did I upset you?' He panicked.

'It's nothing. My I got told that my father died a week ago today, and I've been crying about it ever since. It's silly' I whispered.

'It's not silly. This man was your father. And fathers are the most important person in anyone's life... Including mine. I fear mine doesn't have too long left to -- to live' he stuttered the last part.

'Wait is this your shed?' I sniffed wiping my eyes.

'Ah. Yes it is'

'Why do you own a shed? I didn't mean to stumble upon it. Or onto your land. You won't report me will you?' I begged.

'Why would I report such a pretty girl? So what do you do for a living?'

'I live on the farm with my family'

'Do they treat you well?'

I could have been honest and said no. But I'm a perfectly old enough girl. I can look after myself. 'They treat me as well as they are able'

'Well. I think you deserve more than running around the forest' he confirmed.

'What do you do?' I asked, as he sat down beside me on the sofa.

'I'm an apprentice. Still learning my trade. I turn 21 in December and the job will be all mine. I'll have to run it and make sure that everyone's happy. I'm not really sure if I can make that kind of commitment'

'If I can look after the farms, then you can look after your Dads business' I grinned, as the fire roared away at my feet.

I felt John wrap his arm around my shoulders and I felt compelled to snuggle into him a little. I don't even know the guy, but am willing to sit here with him.

- - -

'Thank you for finding me. Warming me up and the food, but I really must be off. My step mother will be wondering where I am' I lied.

'I'm not letting you go out in the dark' he tutted.

'What about your father? Won't be be looking for you?'

'No. I come out here all the time after dark. This is my place. No one will find us here' he confirmed. I wasn't sure if that confirmation was for himself or me but I took it anyway.

I headed to the door but felt him grab my wrist.

I turned around to look at him, and saw the same sadness and anger that was in his eyes the first time I saw him in the forest. 'Don't go. Stay with me here' he whispered in my face and smiled down.

'You barely know me John. I can't stay the night'

'Why not? Why can't I do something that I want for once? Instead of living by all my fathers crazy rules?'

'Because a rich apprentice in the trade shouldn't be acquainted with a poor country girl without any parents' I pointed out.

'Who says?'

'The law says'

'Yeah well the law can change. I'm pretty sure of that' he smirked, kissing me.

I wasn't prepared for the kiss but in my vulnerable state enjoyed it more than I probably should have. It was still completely wrong for me to be stood in a shed kissing a man I barely know who clearly has a higher social status than I do.

But either way I leant up and pushed my hands through his hair, as we kissed deeply enough for me to taste his tongue. The taste of the most recent cup of coffee he had clearly had was more than welcome in my mouth.

I felt him bolt the door, spinning me around and pushing me to the floor of the cabin. It wasn't exactly comfortable but I didn't seem to care when he put all his weight on my body.

I slowed the kiss right down as his hand began to roam my body and land on my waist, too which he pulled back confused. 'What?'

'This. Us. We shouldn't be doing this' I pointed out breathlessly.

'Why not? If your in I'm in' he shrugged.

'I want to but I don't think that society would approve' I pointed out. He knew deep down I was right.

'And? I'm sick of listening to what everyone had to say. I'm sick of following the rules. Just for once I'd like to have some fun. With a very pretty girl. Even if she does work on a farm' he smirked.

'I bet your Dad wouldn't approve of you having sex before marriage. And of my Dad was alive I'm sure he wouldn't agree with you stealing my virginty'

'I've had sex before. I'm not perfect little prince' he chuckled.

'Great that makes me feel loads better. So your experienced and I'm the worst one night stand ever'

'Who said anything about one night?' He laughed.

'That's all this is and will be John and you know that. Our worlds there different they can't collide. The kind would never approve'

'Oh I think you'd be surprised what the king can be persuaded on' he said like it was some kind of joke.

I listened to everything he was saying and tried to make my stand but the more he kissed me the less I was wanting to stop.

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