Chapter 14 - "Happy Ever After...?"

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Chapter 14 - "Happy Ever After...?"

Clara's PoV

We didn't get married straight away.

John announced the pregnancy and engagement at the same time from the balcony the following day.

I was still too weak to get up, and was on forced bed rest for a following two weeks which didn't seem to become a problem, because John would spend every single day with me, snuggled up, and we talked and talked getting to know each other. Making plans.

Questions were asked, but all of which he handled with care, and answered honestly.

Everyone knew about our time in the shed and obviously rumours were spread along the kingdom but it didn't matter because we knew what happened, and we knew that we loved each other.

One month before the wedding John threw another party at the palace opening the gates for everyone, to announce our engagement the right way.

It took me a while to get comfortable.

As soon as I was off bed rest I spent my days exploring the palace, going from room to room, admiring paintings, looking at what the rooms had to offer and made full use of the kitchen during the pregnancy cravings.

I decided that I didn't want to sell the house that was mine because it just held to many memories for me to throw away, so we fixed it up to the way of used to be and decided we would used it to raise our son or daughter.

The palace was where we would wed and then retreat into the country for a while just to ourselves.

We knew the kingdom would be okay and he could still rule and make decisions where we were. Plus he had faith in Rory to run things while he was away, promoting him to deputy king. Giving him the title of prince.

He would never get to be king or be an heir... But he would always be there for saving our lives.

We retreated to my home in the early summer to decorate and fix up the nursery for our baby, painting the rooms and returning it to its original state bringing along some memories of his family.

Paintings of his Mother and Father as well as mine, and the slipper which will forever remain in the glass cupboard to remind ourselves of what once was.

Early July was when we welcomed our baby into the kingdom and our healthy little heir.

He would be perfect to rule the kingdoms one day with hair like mine and a chin like his Dad's.

- - -

September 1st was when we tied the knot. Exactly one year from our night in the shed... And one year from when my Father had died. I liked the idea of celebrating such a day for him.

I just wished that he could be here, to see me wed a King and meet our little

'You ready Clara?' John asked as I climbed the stairs in the white dress that shockingly flattered my figure... Well my post brith figure anyway.

'Yes. I'm ready, wouldn't back out of this for the world' I grinned, as he extended his hand for me to take in his perfectly dashing tux.

'All ready to go out on the balcony sir' Rory said, fixing up our little Davies hair. He was curled up in the white basket on the balcony in the blue blanket we had given him.

We decided to call him David as it was both our fathers names and wanted to keep the legacy of the late King and tradesman of the south alive.

'Ready?' John asked pulling me close.

'Why do you keep asking that? I'm not backing out' I promised.

'Because we're about to go out to the kingdom as a married couple and introduce the future King to the world' he smiled, kissing me gently.

'Ahem. Save it for the balcony' Rory said, motioning the way.

John smirked pulling me behind him into the balcony where there was cheers and cried from the crowed below who had taken to me pretty well considering the wreck I was in when we announced the engagement.

'We'd better give the crowed what they want' I laughed as he leant forward and captured his lips with mine making the kingdom go wild with cheers and wooing. Plus the very well timed fireworks which didn't seem to wake our little prince up or startle him at all.

I pulled back, sadly but knew in just a few short minutes we could go back in the bedroom and finish it off for as long as we wanted.

I leant down, biting my lip and fished my sleeping baby out of his comfy basket and held him in my arms, as he nestled against my chest and John wrapped an arm around my shoulder, kissing hid son on the forehead and then kissed my forehead.

'Do you think happy endings exist?' I asked him looking up, as the crowed when crazy at finally getting to see the future prince.

We had kept him inside for the first few weeks to get him settled, before Showing him off but I wondered why now. Everybody seems to love him.

'Right now Clara Oswald. I think I do' he chuckled capturing my lips with his again.


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