Chapter 10 - "Midnight..."

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Chapter 10 - "Midnight..."

Clara's PoV

'Your an apprentice huh?' I asked in accusation as we walked into the lavishing garden.

'Technically yes. I'm an apprentice of my father. I'm just learning to be the King. That wasn't a lie'

'Why didn't you tell me I was having sex with the Prince?' I snapped storming off.

'Because of I had told you I was the prince... Would you have done it?'

'Of course not. I could be thrown away and jailed for what I did'

'It won't matter. Nobody will find out' he said rolling his eyes.

'You'd better hope not. I don't think I'm cut out for jail. But my sisters and step mother would probably like it' I shrugged.

'Don't get on with them?

'They treat me like their slave. But I mustn't complain. At least I have a house to live in' I said gently.

'No body should be treated like rubbish' he said.

'Why didn't you tell me you were the prince the first time?' I asked.

'Honestly I thought you would have known who I was. At least once you left me I though you would have worked it out. When we met again and you hadn't... I figured you'd treat me differently' he sighed.

'I would have. Your a prince. You shouldn't do things like that' I said wanting to slap him but again, like I just said... He was a prince.

'You lied too. You said you were a country girl. Daughter of a farmer. How can you be dressed like that?'

'I didn't lie John' I said as we wandered another corridor with jewels and crowns in. 'That was all true' I admitted.


'Just an ordinary, farmer girl. And I know you don't want that In your life' I said as he got closer to me, pushing his lips against mine and kissed me just like the last time, only less urgently because the chances of us having sex again in such a remote place was pretty unlikely.

I pulled away, about to say something else, but noticed something in a glass cube. 'My ring' I whispered, running towards it, but it was locked behind the glass.


'That's my ring. My mothers engagement ring. The one my stepmother sold to some random person. She said that we were hard up so she sold it' I whispered. 'I didn't realise it would end up here'

'I didn't know it was yours. Wait here. I have a guard find a key and release it' he said but the sound of the gong behind me caught my attention.

I looked at my wrist watched and realised it was two minutes to midnight. 'Oh crap I have to go' i panted, noticing just how much of a mess this was. I wanted that ring but what reason did he have go believe it was mine?

'Go where? What's your rush?' John demanded, as I ran away.

'It's complicated. Magic and fairies and my Dog' I shouted running through the hall and down the steps.

'Hold up John. Where do you think your going?' John's father demanded.

'After the love of my life' John yelled, running out the palace and saw the girl leave.

'Wait. I stop don't know your name' he yelled down the stairs as I lost a shoe.

I would have gone back for it but the night had been so perfect getting to see him again, that I just had to get away, I didn't want him seeing me the way I really am, scruffy and gross.

- - -

'No. No way. There's no way you can condone this' Harold demanded.

'If that's who John loves them let him be. Why can't be have true love? Why can't anyone have true love?' His father demanded.

'For the good of the land David. He must marry a princess'

'In dying in case anyone has noticed. Now leave me alone with my son' the King snapped.

'How can you possibly know that you love her? How can you know that some girl you met in the forest is the one?' His father demanded as John dropped his head in shame. 'Please tell me you didn't?' He coughed, yelling was not the way that John wanted him to spend his last breaths.

'I did. I had sex with her. I've met her three times and had three wonderful times but still don't know her name. She keeps running off before I have a chance to find her'

'And you know you like her?'

'I know for a fact that I love her. You always said how you knew worn Mum. How you knew that you loved her because you just loved each other's company?'

'I did' he coughed.

'Then give me your blessing? Let me marry for love not status' John begged.

'I have just moments John. But whatever makes you happy is what must and will be done' he said with a smile, as John curled up next to his father.

'Thank you'

'I love you John, and I know that you'll make the right decisions for the good of the land... And she was a pretty one' he chuckled, in his last breaths.

'I love you too father. Now be with mother' John said through a few tears but knew deep down he had work to do.

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