Chapter Ten: Sweet

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"So..." Jesse strung out the short word for as long as I thought humanly possible. "What was that about earlier?"

I knew what he was talking about. It wasn't exactly the most subtle argument I'd ever had, with Maxi. I knew him and Quinn had heard- their faces said it all to me.

My eyes locked on Jesse's for a second, and lingered. They seemed kind and sympathetic; a total contrast to how he appeared physically. Something about him made me feel like I could tell him about the whole situation.

"Well it's a long story." I admitted, walking in tow with him along the boardwalk after our very first shift.

Quinn had invited us over to his for drinks in an hour or so, I didn't see the point in going home. So Jesse had offered to hang about with me and walk there together.

"We've got time." Jesse laughed and prodded my side with his elbow playfully. "Come on chicka, you best start telling this story before I'm not so sweet on ya!"

I chuckled a bit at his hyper personality, similar to my own and figured it wouldn't hurt to tell him. At least he'd be able to help me out at work if it got worse.

"A while back, me and him met when I was looking after my friend's kid. We spent the weekend together, got on pretty well but then my friend told me that he could be the father and now she's dating or maybe just fucking my brother." I rushed my words, ending out of breath.


"God no! He wouldn't go near her type with a long stick, mate!" I laughed loudly. "No, my twin Aiden-"

"Sav?" Jesse said suddenly, cutting off the flow of my words.

His eyes were no longer kind; now they harboured the look of uncertainty and uncomfort. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Jesse jerked his head to the left to motion towards something.

I looked up to find my own eyes staring back at me.

Aiden tried to step towards me but I took Jesse by the forearm and pulled him, swerving my brother completely. Unfortunately, being twins, he had already anticipated my moves. His muscular body moved swiftly in my path, stopping me dead.

"What?" I spat angrily, still not ready to even breath the same air as my own flesh and blood.

Anyone else would have flinched at my hostility but he stood motionless in front of me and Jesse. I felt bad for my new friend, caught in between some fraternal dispute. I didn't want to be here any more than he did, though.

"Can we just talk please? I've been scared shitless about you leaving!" He spoken softly and his voice was quiet, not wanting to draw attention to us.

"I'm safe. It's all sweet, I'm staying with a friend. You can go now." I stated blankly, refusing to acknowledge the fact that he wanted to talk it out.

"Ari, please..." he mumbled.

I couldn't face talking about what had happened only four days ago. Already, I had enough to deal with; a new job, making new friends, going with maxi to the DNA test and having to keep myself sane.

"Look, I'm busy right now. I'll think about it." I muttered coldly,

 This time, as I pushed past him, he let me leave. I could feel his eyes still on my as I stomped away, not even caring if I looked like a bitch. Jesse jogged after me and caught up a little further along the boardwalk.

"Why don't we just head to Quinn's early? Take your mind of everything." He suggested and pulled me by the hand towards the steps towards the pavilion building and the houses beyond. "Besides, we don't have to work for another three days!"

I thought about it; not having to work meant not having to see Aiden, or Maxi, or Sunny. They all knew where I'd be. No, for three days, I could disappear and they wouldn't know anything. I liked the idea of that.

Jesse and I wandered up the Cliffside road to Quinn's house. Most of us lived in apartments but not him. No, Quinn had a house. A freaking massive one. It was modern and looked homely. As we approached, I couldn't help but wonder if he lived alone or whether he lived with his parents. He was only twenty, after all.

The door was open when we reached it and music drifted towards us and filled my ears. Jesse gave me a grin and pulled me inside. I breathed in the clean smell of the place, it was tidy and looked no older than two years.

We walked out into the back yard which  was also big and really green. A pool was located in the corner near the end of it and people were already in it, splashing around and singing loudly and obnoxiously to the music.

"Y'all made it!" Quinn yelled to us.

He was wearing boardies and sipping corona. The whole place looked so relaxed and I could get used to this. Aiden's parties at ours usually ended in a visit from the police; let's just say I have quite the relationship with them now.

"Cheers, mate." I smiled and put my bag down next to a sun lounger, positioned so it was facing the view of the sea over the cliff. It was breath taking and I felt myself zoning out as Quinn addressed myself and Jesse.

"Just grab a drink and have fun!" Was how the conversation ended as Quinn smiled and ran into the house.

Jesse turned to me, still grinning. He looked mischievous and something told me tonight would be fun.

"I'll go get us some drinks and we'll get our fun on!"

I laughed as he ran off inside and then reappeared, just moments later, drinks in hand and smile on face.

He pressed the cold glass of vodka a cola into my palm and held up his five fingers, counting them down slowly. When it reached one, we both knocked back the drinks in one long movement. It was stronger than I had expected, the vodka outweighing the amount of cola that was in the glass and stinging my throat a bit.

That was the first drink of many, and the only one I really remember...

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