Chapter Twelve: Testing, Testing, 1 2 3

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It had been way less than four hours since the incident at the beach, but it felt like an eternity. I didn't want to sit through the debriefing but it was a requirement. I didn't want for Chappo to drive me home. 

Dad was still away and I presumed that Aiden was either at Sunny's or away with friends, since he wasn't in the house. Chris insisted on walking me to the door even though I'd told him I was fine. 

"I am fine, Chappo. Go home." I groaned for possibly the fiftith time since we started to walk up the stairs. 

Instead of turning around and walking back down, he carried on up the stairs with me until we reached my floor. Before I could complain again, I felt a strong pair of arms collide with my thighs and throw me over their shoulder. 

"I told you earlier if you kept complaining I would carry you to your door and annoy you for the rest of the day. And you complained!!" He chuckled and ran me to my door. I would have kicked and screamed but I was too busy trying not to laugh. 

It'd been a crazy day and I felt like I needed to just laugh it off. It wasn't particularly funny but I was far too tired and too far gone to even question what I was doing. 

My feet hit the ground and Chappo stepped aside to let me unlock the door and followed me in. I threw my backpack down and collapsed onto the couch. 

"It's pretty late. Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" His voice was soft and gentle and I knew that he was worried about me. 

I'd already gotten loads of texts, apprently word spreads quickly in Bondi. I hadn't got the heart to text anyone back, but I supposed they'd understand why. 

I nodded and patted the space next to me for him to sit there. The couch sank as he perched polietly on the edge. I yanked him back and laid my head on his lap. 

"What you did today was really brave kiddo." Chappo said softly. 

A sigh escaped from my lips, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I was still being looked down on because I wasn't as good, or male or anything for that matter. 

"Is that all you see when you look at me?" I sat up, speaking loudly. 

"No of course not," he sighed deeply. "you've become quite the senstation with the guys. We are very proud of you, and it's not because we thought you couldn't do it, but because it's something that everyone struggles with." 

"Gahhh you know me too well!" 

"You forget that I used to babysit your ass when Dunstan was not around!" Chappo smiled and playfully nuzzled his nose against my shoulder. 

As if summoned by the devil himself, a blonde mass of crazy hair and the smell of the ocean burst through the door.

"Baby sis you alright I heard what happened and-" Dunno stopped and brushed the hair from his eyes and stared at me. Chappo shuffled away from me a small distance. "dude, don't make me come over there. Are you making a pass at my little sister?"

"Dun-" I began but I was cut off. 

"She's twenty years old!!!" 

"Woah, Dunno. Cool it! She's like my sister." Chappo explained, giving me a quick peck on the cheek and standing up. He turned to me. "If you need anything I'm only a phone call away."

I thanked him and Dunno let him out; I heard them getting into a little heated discussion but it ended with "alright bro, peace" which was always a good sign when it came to Dustan. He came back in a minute or so later and belly flopped on top of me. 

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