Chapter Three: That wasn't me

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“Aiden?” I called out into my unusually quiet apartment. I wasn’t met by the usual smell of tween boys.

I pursed my lips as I threw my backpack down on the sofa. It’d been a week since my experience at the beach. Luckily no one saw me so I was able to get away un-noticed.

Dad was asked to stay away with work for another month which left me and Aiden alone.

I looked at the time on my phone. It was 7:00pm and Aiden was most likely staying at a friend’s.

With the lonely night looming, I decided to watch a film on the sofa. I flicked through our recorded movies and chose to watch ‘Hall Pass’.

I threw my phone at the sofa and went to get my duvet from my bed.

Halfway through the film, someone knocked on the door.

“I’m coming.” I shouted and paused the movie.

My hand gripped the latch and twisted sharply.

“Hi” the guy said. I recognized him as a lifeguard from bondi, one of Dunstan’s co-workers. He was also on the show, too.

“Erm hi?”

“I’m Maxi, is Dunno here?” he asked and scanned the room with his eyes. I shifted and his gaze returned back to me.

“He doesn’t live here anymore. It’s just me, dad and Aiden. Thanks for stopping by though.” I fake smiled and pushed the door closed.

It didn’t shut properly as Maxi held it open with his hands.

“Wait, what did you say your name was?” he asked me.

“I didn’t…” I scoffed at him. He raised his eyebrows.

“Well tell me your name then?”

I rolled my eyes and gripped the cold wood of the door.

“Sav. Now go home, it’s late.” I state at him. He purses his lips.

“Ok.” He says but continues to stand and study my face carefully.

I make a shooing hand gesture but he stayed still.

“What?” I snapped at Maxi.

“I’ve seen you before. Were you at bronte the other day?” he asked me suddenly. His question sank in slowly and my mind whirred. Had he seen? He can’t have done, he barely recognizes me.

“No,  that wasn’t me. Sorry. Goodnight.” I replied hastily and shut the door on him. I turned onto my back and slid down the door.

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