Chapter 20

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A holiday gift from me to you ❤️❤️


3 weeks later....

Mitch P.O.V.

My life is going great.

I've been calling that certain someone for a few weeks now, and she is absolutely amazing. She's funny, pretty, kind, and just so ugh amazing.

I'm loving her. I love hearing her voice as well. I can't wait for our date later today.

I reached over to the night stand next to my bed where I was laying and grabbed my phone. I went to my call log and my thumb moved to her name. But my eyes glanced down to see Klarissa's contact. I haven't talked to her in three weeks.

Could she be mad at me? Maybe I should call her now.

I moved my thumb to her named and pressed call.

As it began to ring, my mind wandered off. What do I say to her? Probably should start off with a nice greeting. Maybe I'll cancel the little plan with my stranger and take Klarissa out for some dinner later. Yeah, sounds good. I need to apologize anyway.

The phone had rung about 3 times until I heard barking from the floor below me. Huh, I didn't know little admirer had a dog.

My phone fund about 4 more times until the call just dropped. That's odd. Klarissa always usually answers her phone. Is everything okay?

I better check on her.  We've gotta talk anyway. No strings attached.

I hop out of my bed, slide my shoes on and grab my keys. My date might have to wait.

Jennifer P.O.V.

Damn, Klarissa might be the messiest torture I've ever done.

But of course, I can't let anyone find out about this. Especially the real Shawn, that would be just horrible.

To get her out of her house, I did have to resort to a few measures. And blood still stains stains when the sheets are washed. So I'll have to throw her bed sheets away.

I drove over to her place and opened the door. I had already picked her lock before so it was a simple jingle away from opening.

Slowly, I creeped into her front door of her two story house and closed it carefully, cringing at every creeks get sound it made. She's established quite a life for herself with this home.

"Ugh, this thing is getting on my nerves" I said to no one as I reached up to my neck and took the electronic device off. I then set the device on her kitchen table and walked throughout the house.

I had to make sure that no one else had stumbled in here and could be hiding somewhere. That'd just be one more body to get rid of.


After about 5 minutes, I had checked every room in her house before going upstairs. I snatched her sheets quickly of of her bed and hurried downstairs. I don't wanna be here longer than I have to be.

As I approached the front door once more, I saw it open before I even reached for it.

Someone's here.

Oh god, I've gotta hide! I quickly ducked and rolled behind Klarissa's large couch, clutching the stained sheets tightly.

The door creaked and I heard small footsteps get larger.

"Klarissa?!" the manly voice called. Is that Mitch?! No way. I peeked a small distance from around the corner, pulling my blonde hair back to be unseen.

And sure enough, it was Mitch.

"Klarissa you here?" he asked louder.

Mitch closed the door behind him and walked into the living room. I quietly crawled backwards, to the other side of the couch I was behind.

I could no longer see him but I heard him quickly pace around the kitchen and hear the stomps of shoes up the stairs.

Now may not be the time but I need to think. What if I reveal myself to Mitch? Drop the sheets so I look innocent enough, and tell him I survived? What would he say?

Maybe I can convince him to keep quiet and offer him some kind of reward. I wonder if (Y/N) is actually dead now. No matter, it's been a while. He's had time to heal. He should be fine. I still have some feelings for him. I hope he can just accept it and let us be happy together.

After my thoughts were done processing, I'd decided to come clean.

I stood up from behind the couch and walked to edge of the stairs. That is, until I heard his footsteps coming down.

Wait I'm not ready! I need to get out of here.

Impulsively, I sprinted out of the door on the tops of my toes. Closing the door loudly behind me.

"Who's th-?!" was the last thing I heard before jumping off of her porch.

I raced to my car and quickly hopped in. I cranked the engine and pulled out of her yard immediately.

I made it to a intersection where I had the chance to actually go over what just happened.

I slammed the door, that was just stupid. Now he's gonna know someone was there.
And I left my shapeshifter in chip in the table! I sighed and rubbed my temples on the sides of my head.

Hm, at least I have the sheet-oh no.

I was such a rush to get out of there, I dropped them in plain sight! I'm an idiot! How could I be so careless?!

Okay, okay, you know what? No need to panic. Everything will work out. I'll be fine.

Now, to get back to the lab and figure out what to do with that troublesome redhead.


Missed me?

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays loves!

Until next time...


~JB ❤️

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