Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

I savor this moment because I know it could be our last. We both pull away gasping for air.

"They can't do this." Mitch whimpers.
"I don't think we have a choice" I respond.

I pull him into a hug squeezing him until I think he could pop. I don't exactly remember what happened after that hug other than a shower but I know I had trouble sleeping that night. Now Mitch can sleep through anything and I don't know how he does it.

3 days later

I finally did get some sleep but only after rolling around a bed for 2 hours. I woke up around 12. I didn't feel a body near mine so I know he was up.

I walked out of the bed to go into the kitchen and found him cutting watermelon and apples for a fruit salad.

He had different clothes on then yesterday. A black tank top showing off his arms and gym shorts. Irresistible.

He turned and saw my face and smiled to open his arms for a hug. I walked over rolling my eyes. He embraced me and I inhaled his smell.

"I don't wanna leave your arms" he whispers.
"Don't remind me." I replied.

We just stood there holding each other. Then Mitch began to lift my legs up and pull them around his waist. He moved me to the counter where I sat above him with his abdomen between my legs. We didn't kiss just hug. Notch would be on his way to tell us we'd need to hurry. But we don't want to.

Our heads were connected and we were just there. Looking at each other's lips. Breathing heavily. Standing with our hands low and intertwined. We both leaned in and a knock interrupted us. It was Notch. I reached for the door put Mitch's arm tugged me back. A look of worry filled his eyes. I gave him a weak smile and pulled my arm away.

I opened the door to find a note on the ground. It read: It's time.

A tear dropped on the note and I crumbled it to throw it in the grass. I returned back to Mitch and we got ready. I put on a black t-shirt and blue jeans. My short sleeve black leather jacket dropped over my arms and my hair fell over it in waves. No makeup was on my face because what's the point. Black combat boots were near the door and I slipped those on.

Mitch kept on his plaid red shirt like always. I swear he has like 8 of those. Black jeans and brown boots.

On Lightning and Rusty, we rode downtown to the lobby.

Mitch P.O.V.

I could never kill her. She's my love.

I unmounted Lightning to pet her nose. She neighed and rubbed against me. I smiled and help Y/N off of Rusty. They know their way home, so we sent them off.

Before the glass doors automatically opened, y/n's grip on my hand tightened. I took my fingers and rubbed them over the top of her hand. I know she's scared. But I'm scared too.

Many people filled the lobby. Some guys gave me glances while some girls gave me looks of lust. They might as well, screw off now. I already have someone special. I caught a blonde haired girl staring at me. My eyes filled with worry. I know who she was. Jennifer.

While Y/N was gone, I needed to fill my hole in my heart with someone. So I found Jennifer. She was nice for the first day but she moved way too quickly. She wanted to have sex in the third day we knew each other. She constantly felt me all over and I always pushed her away. But once she made me almost kiss her. So I ran and started a new home with Jerome. I never wanted to see her again.

I carefully guided my girlfriend away from her. So she wouldn't cause me trouble.



I let myself gulp and I could hear Y/N gulp too. Hand in hand, we made our way to the room and piled into the center. While the last people were coming in, I bent down and gave y/n a kiss on the lips. It became a little passionate and the boom of Notch's voice kept it from going any farther.

"Alright. Welcome tributes. We welcome you. So this survival games will be a little different. Like always only one may win but we will be giving all of you a surprise visit from your loved ones".

Many people cheered, but I knew better that something was up. They aren't this generous. As long as y/n is safe, I have nothing to worry about. I hope.

"Now calm your selves. Calm down" Notch said over the mic. "There are 48 of you so I have nothing more to say but LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!

I didn't even have a chance to comprehend completely on what he said but all of a sudden people began to teleport away. Y/N and I gave each other a glance and teleported away. Un-linking our hands.

Then I appeared in a forest open plain. Other people were surrounding me on both my left and right sides.

Your P.O.V.

I scanned over the people to look for my biggums. We locked eyes and smiled. I look over to notice a girl with long straight blonde hair eyeing Mitch. She licked her lips and looked his body up and down. She had on a tight cut off pick shirt on and short short jeans with tennis shoes. She probably didn't realize that she needed to be prepared instead of cute but I can't lie she was ugly in the prettiest way. Her name on her platform read 'Jenforeve". Hmm, typical.

I turn my attention back to him and see him get into a stance and I do the same. The clock boomed. 10...9...8...7...6...

I look at Mitch and he mouths "I love you" I blush like crazy and wink back at him. He giggles I think.


I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding.


I spring into the water and swim to the surface. I paddle as fast as I can. I don't have time to wipe the water from my face. I just sprint to the chests. I open one to find a wooden sword, 3 apples, two iron ingots and golden boots. Then a backpack is only a few feet away from me, which I kick to my self. Not bad. I look over quickly to see Mitch with a stone sword and an iron helmet.

I run as fast as I can through the woods and found a tree with vines and climb it to the highest point possibly. As I sit on the branch, I feel a poke in my hand. A splinter. I rip it out with an agonizing pain. I bite my lip so I don't scream and open the back pack. Some rope, a knife, butter apples, 4 melon slices, a poisonous potato, a splash potion of strength, and a wooden sword. The splinter didn't bleed much.

"Y/N!!! Y/N!!!" I hear Mitch scream. I look down and see him with two cuts under his eye and a bruise on his knee. I throw the poisonous potato at him and he looks up only to begin climbing the tree. Once he's up here, I grab his shirt and pull to my lips. Every kiss feels like the first. I take some medicine that was in a hole of the tree and apply it under his eye. He groans in pain and I kiss his cheek. As I dab the cut, he stares into my eyes and smiles.

"What?" I ask with a grin.
"Nothing." He responds.

I give him an annoyed look. Suddenly we here 10 cannons go off. Wow! That was fast.

The rest of that time of that day, Mitch and I didn't kill anyone. We just sat in a tree and talked, constantly in guard. Sooner than we expected night fell and the perished tributes names flashed in the sky. I didn't see that girl Jen's name which only made me frown slightly.

Mitch gave me one last kiss and we cut the rope and tied our selves to the tree. I sat in between his legs and put my head on his chest. One last peck on the lips, my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

(HEY, YALL. Ok so thanks for reading this chapter and I got my first positive comment!!!!! Sorry for the short-ish chapter but thank you so much and I am almost at 50 reads!!!! That is awesome and thank you again for all of it. JUST PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND FAVORITE AND THATS IT AS ALWAYS AND PEACEEEE!!!) ~ JB

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