Chapter 8

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Mitch P.O.V.

It can't be my biggums. It's not possible. What have they done to him? I could see the hatred in his eyes. They weren't brown anymore, they were bloodshot red. A very deep shade of it might I add. Tears filled my eyes. This isn't Jerome. But I wish it could be, I miss him. I can't kill him, he's still in there. I held out my hand to reconcile with him. But two blows came to face and a third one to my gut. I doubled over in pain. Blood dripping firm my cheeks. Jerome gave me a smirk and my vision blurred to him walking away. Leaving me to pass out. The last thing I remember is the feeling of being dragged away.

I woke up to my face dripping with water. I was gasping for breath and I saw a girl in front of my face. It was AshleyMarieeGaming, holding a bucket. I smiled and lunged to hug her, to embrace my friend. When I tried to, my arms yanked me back. They were tied around a tree behind my back and I was on my knees.

"Ashley, how could you...?" I asked her with a frown.
"I'm sorry Mitch. But they would've killed my loved ones" she said walking away.

I watched her leave and I realized where I was. In a room, in the middle of the floor was the tree I was bound to. It was pitch black except for the light above my head, which gave me a spotlight look.

Out came Notch from the dark. He was wearing a robe.

"Well, well, well. Mitchell its been a short while."
"Has it?" I questioned.
"You didn't think I would let you get away with that attack did you?" He asked.

I completely ignored the fact that he would remember me attacking him. I was stupid, enough to think like that. But Notch is gonna make me pay that price.

"Let me go" I exclaimed.
"Oh no. You're not going anywhere yet" he whispered.
"Why not?"
"Well first of all, you abandoned that girl of yours."

Y/N. Where is she? What happened to her? What did he do? I need answers to these questions. Meanwhile, I must mentally prepare to murder whoever I need to to get my lover back.

"I didn't abandon her! You took her from me!" I yelled.
"Now, now. Let's not play the blame game. It wasn't me"
"The who...?"
"I think they'd like to apologize" Notch finished as he disappeared into the shadows.

All I could hear was the tapping of someone's shoes. Out came another girl. This one I recognized instantly. Jennifer.

She's not getting anyone near me. Especially not my girlfriend. I will rip her heart out myself if she tries to hurt Y/N. Woah, when did I get so violent?

"Hi, Mit...." Jennifer said in a very perky voice.
I interrupted her. "What do you want?"

She laughed the fakest laugh I've ever heard. "Oh Mitch. Quite rude aren't you? Not even saying hello to your girlfriend?"

"You're not my girlfriend. Y/N is!" I spat in her face. She wiped the spit of with her finger and placed it in her mouth.
"You taste great. I can't wait to see what we do later" she said in a raspy voice. "But please don't talk about that ugly-ass wannabe around me"

I lost it. I began to lunge at her with anger filled thoughts. She flinched back and gave me a disgusted look.

"Now listen here. You're gonna come back to me and leave Y/N. Or else no one will have her" she said.
"Go ahead and kill me. I would die for her anyway."
She scoffed. "As if! You know you want all of this. Plus no said anything about killing you".

My eyes filled with shock. "I'm gonna make sure you stay with me. You betters act like it. Hug me and kiss me and love me. Or else"
"Or else what?" I exclaimed.

Jennifer pointed a remote at the darkness. A tv appeared with Y/N on the screen currently. I jumped towards the TV to hug what wasn't there.

"You see that collar on her ankle? I placed it there when she passed out and it's un-removable. This remote I'm holding has 10 settings. Each one with a more powerful shock. If it gets to ten....ssssssssssss." She mocked.

My jaw was gaped open. My baby would die because of my past. She doesn't deserve someone as horrible as me. I'd don't deserve her. Not someone that amazing.

"Mitchell, anytime you see her. You have to show me all the love you would give to her, or else..." She set the remote and I saw Y/N fall to the ground in pain screaming slightly.

"NO!" I screamed.

Jennifer snickered. She came closer to me and out her finger under my chin lifting it up. In a soft voice, she said "Don't worry you won't have to put the act for long. Soon it will become natural love. She smirked and crashed her lips onto mine. I couldn't pull away. It hurts me to say it but she wasn't that horrible a kisser. The kiss was still rough and sloppy though.

I gained the power to release myself from this girl. She was panting and I wiped my lips on my shirt somehow.

She untied me and my legs gave out. I couldn't run and my wrists burned. "Don't try to escape either or I'll kill her instantly" she added.

I nodded and followed her, limping on my way back to the forest. Y/N was the first person I saw and I know what I had to do. I grabbed Jennifer by her waist and pulled her close to me. I then gave her a passionate kiss.

Your P.O.V.

I told Shawn that the recovery was very quick so he reluctantly allowed me to leave, taking some potions along the way. He was extremely sweet and I promised him I would return when I had time. Blood was on my weapons from killing a few tributes. No sign if that girl Jennifer and no sign of Mitch.

I found the answer to my question. There was Mitch behind a tree so he was away form my view. A smile brightened my face and I ran to him. I stopped in my tracks when he had someone's thigh around his waist and he was sharing saliva with Jen. Right then and there I dropped my weapons from shock.


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