chapter three

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Chapter three

Greyson was at his studio that morning, leaving Danielle alone with Ronan and Nanny Beth.

Danielle and Ronan have been turning the boxes in their basement upside down to pass the time and found some interesting stuffs.

There was a photo album of Greyson when he was little, a pair of skating shoes, and loads of other junks.

Suddenly, they came across a box that was filled with piles and piles of t-shirts.

Danielle wondered where the t-shirts came from.

Ronan, found a shirt that was his size. He put it on. Danielle looked at Ronan.

“This shirt is too plain.” Danielle said, turning Ronan around. The shirt was a soft shade of blue.

“I know,” Danielle said, snapping her finger. “Let’s decorate these shirts.”

Ronan clapped his hands.

“Can I decorate this one mummy?” Ronan asked.

“Of course.” Danielle smiled. “We’ll use glitter and markers.”

Ronan seems exited.

They took a few shirts with them upstairs to the living room. Ronan spread the shirts on the floor. He ran into his playroom and took out his crayons, marker, glues and glitters from the art box.

They made three shirts, one for Ronan, one for Danielle, and one for Nanny Beth.

They poured glitter all over the shirts. They wrote peace signs and their names and drew animals and other stuffs.

 Ronan dipped his hands into the paint box and he started to stamp his hands onto the shirt, leaving cute hand prints all over it.

Danielle seems to be enjoying herself too.

She used to be clever at drawing, but now that she hasn’t draw for so long, she lost her talent. Not all of it thought.

Danielle draws the picture of a heart that has broken in so many pieces, and they are all hold together with tape.

“You know Ronan, you’re going to start kindergarten next year?” Danielle asked.

“I don’t wanna go.” Ronan said.

“Why not?”

“Well, the kids there are all rude and pushy. And I don’t have any friends.” Ronan said his hands on his lips.

“You’ll make friends soon, I'm sure of it.”  Danielle reassured him.

“No, I don’t want to leave you.”

Danielle smiled.

“I could just imagine you meeting this cute little girl.” Danielle closed her eyes. “You’ll take her out on a date at a beautiful place. And then she’ll put all her trust on you, and you would promise to her to be with her till the world ends.”

Danielle opened her eyes.

Ronan was looking at her with one of his eyebrows raised.

Danielle laughed. Tears of laughter fell down her cheek. Hysterical laughter.

Stop Danielle. Control yourself. Danielle took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

“I think your mummy is losing herself, don’t you think?” Danielle said, hugging Ronan in her lap. Ronan smiled.

“No, mummy you’re always right.” Ronan said innocently, looking into her eyes.

“Oh Ronan.” Danielle said, hugging Ronan close to her. “What would I do without you?”

Danielle thought of Greyson, who seems to be edging away from her. Their relation seems to be colder. Not seeing each other much. Usually Greyson would kiss her before sleeping but now, he rarely does. Sometimes he doesn’t even sleeps at home.

Either he has so many works at the studio or he just fell asleep there.

Charlotte too has been edging away from her. But not willfully of course.

If it wasn’t for Ronan, Danielle would have lost herself. Tears started to fall down her eyes again. Tears of sadness, of pain.

“Mummy why are you crying?” Ronan asked, wiping her tears with his hands.

Danielle holds Ronan’s small hands in her. She kissed his hands.

“I have to go to the bathroom okay?” Danielle said. “Won’t be long.”

Danielle stood up and went upstairs to her room. She went to the sink and turned the faucet on. Danielle washed her face and wiped it with a towel.

Suddenly, she noticed a black car parked in front of her house. Danielle peeked out of her window.

The car seems to be facing her house. Danielle frowned.

Suddenly, the car started its engine and drove away from her house. Danielle shivered. The car has been following her for a few months back.

Danielle didn’t know who the driver is, for the windows of the car was tinted black.

Hope it’s just some paparazzies Danielle thought.

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