Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Knock! Knock!

Danielle woke up, startled by the knocking. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the digital watch on the table lamp next to her bed. It showed 9 in the morning.

Danielle sat up, looking around. Where is Greyson? Danielle wondered. Then she remembered last night’s scene. She sighed. Of course. Greyson was still at the studio, working, after he canceled their so-long-planned-candle-light-dinner.

Again, Danielle sighed. She started to doubt Greyson's love towards her. If he does love her, then why chose work over her?

Knock! Knock!

Danielle snapped out of her deep thoughts. She was starting to wonder what woke her up. It was the continuing of rapping on her bedroom door.

She put on her robe, tied up her hair and went to the door. If it was Greyson, she was planning on shutting the door on his face.

That’ll serve him right.

Danielle opened the door and scowled. Turns out it wasn’t Greyson, but Nanny Beth. Quickly Danielle changed her scowl into a smile. Wouldn’t want Nanny Beth to think she was angry at her for waking her up.

“Nanny Beth!” Danielle said aghast.

Nanny Beth seems very upset.

“What’s wrong?” Danielle asked. “Is everything okay?”

“Danielle,” Nanny Beth said, breathless. “It’s Ronan.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s sick. Fever I think. He’s body temperature is very high. Around 45 Celsius. “

“45?” Danielle repeated worriedly. “That’s really high. Since when did his body temperature rose?”

“I don’t know, maybe last night? He was okay yesterday.”

Danielle rushed to Ronan’s room.

He was lying on his bed, a wet hankie on his forehead. His face was a deep color of red. His eyes closed, and they could faintly hear him breathe heavily, his chest raising and falling ever so slowly.

“Oh, Ronan.” Danielle cried and sat next to him. “What’s wrong baby?” Danielle stroked his red cheeks. She laid her hand on his face. She could feel the hotness of his body.

“Do you think I should take him to the hospital?” Danielle asked Nanny Beth. Nanny Beth was old, around sixty, and she had child of her own once, so she must be very experience with these kinds of situations.

Nanny Beth just stood there, stared at Ronan. “I don’t know Danielle, he seems very weak. Maybe give him rest first. When his temperature lowers down a bit, you take him.”

“You think so?” Danielle asked, looking up at Nanny Beth. “I'm worried. Wont his temperature rises even more if we just leave him like this?”

Nanny Beth put a reassuring hand on Danielle’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, a little rest will do him good. Believe me.”

Danielle sighed. She knew Ronan was weak. He had to go to the hospital almost every month for a shot. His immune system was just so weak, he was vulnerable to any kind of sickness. But he never had this high of a temperature. It might be lethal for him.

“You’re right.” Danielle said, swallowing hard. Nanny Beth was a family relative of hers. She wouldn’t want any harm on Danielle and Danielle’s family of course.

Danielle lay down next to Ronan. His eyes were closed. Sweat ran down his face, and his eyes were squirmed shut, like holding back pain. Danielle wiped his face with a clean hankie. She kissed him on the cheek. She sighed heavily. First, Greyson. Now, Ronan? Her troubles seem like never ending.

Danielle spent the whole day lying next to Ronan. He was getting better for sure. His breathing was normal now. But his body temperature was still high. Danielle fiddled with her phone the whole day, while lying next to him. Tweeting, stalking her fans, Greyson's fans. Greyson's twitter was last updated last night. It was for her.

@greysonchance @daniellechance ILY don’t be mad please? L

Danielle sighed. She ignored him. Fans has started to retweet that tweet. People started to talk about the might’s of her and Greyson fighting.

He should have thought before he tweeted that. Why not just DM me? Danielle frowned. He has just started an unnecessary rumor.

 Danielle thought about what Emma said about the recent data showing that most first marriages last no longer than five years. Ruth was six. Maybe they got divorced a little late? Danielle sighed. She loved Greyson. After all they’ve been through, a divorce seem so useless.

But what's the use of a marriage without love? It looks like her definition about love was wrong. It doesn’t last forever. When it’s all used up, only pain was left in the empty space. Pain and loneliness.

Danielle stood up. She had to use the restroom. Ronan seems fine alone. He wouldn’t mind if she left him for a few minutes. Danielle went to the restroom in her bedroom. She preferred that rather than the one in Ronan’s room.

Suddenly, again, she noticed the black car outside her house. It was parked a bit far from her front yard, but close enough to see the house from its view. Danielle started to panic. She could feel eyes piercing on her. Someone was in the car and he or she knows that Danielle is looking at him/her.

Quickly, Danielle washed her face and turned off the tap. She pulled the blinds down, covering the windows. Danielle peeked outside. The car was still there, with the menacing eyes of the driver.

Could it be Barbie? She was out of prison for sure by now. Her fame and fortune bailed her out of prison years early from the time she was suppose to spend in there. She went to rehab for only a year and then prison for almost another year.

Danielle swallowed hard. If it was her, she might be planning her revenge on Danielle and Greyson for ruining her life and fame.

Oh, this is starting to feel like a drama or a love book, with revenging and hatred and life crushing. Danielle thought out loud. If this is a book, then I'm sure something dramatic would happen soon, but it’s not. So there's nothing to worry about.

Danielle walked out of the restroom and quickly went back to Ronan's room, hoping that all of this would just end soon, and her life would turn back to normal. But what could she expect? Life with a celebrity, an international-superstar isn't normal, and she had to accept that.

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