Rapunzel: The True Story

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Once upon a time, not so long ago only a few light centuries, there was a girl by the name of Rapunzel who was locked in a tower. The most tallest, oldest, ugliest tower to be exact; it was mainly ugly because of what she used to do. Rapunzel would dash her sh*t and urine out the window making it fall right back on the tower, what a nasty girl. She does not even deserve to be called a 'girl' with the letter 'i' in it, she should be called 'gurl' instead; 'U' for ugliness. Am I right? (the opposite of the some 'Am I wrong?')

Let's go back to the beginning of the story, of how she got locked in the tower in the first place. When Rapunzel was about five years old, maybe a bit younger, she was given away freely to the witch by her real parents because of her behaviour as a little girl. As a little girl she was very nasty and her parents were clean freaks and they could not handle their own daughter being so dirty; Rapunzel was very disobedient. She never liked to bathe and brush her teeth so, she had what you may call an 'SM' or in other words a 'Stink Mouth'. She hardly changed her clothes, so you could imagine the stench that came from her. As Rapunzel never cut her hair is was long, it was a dirty blonde colour.

While she was with the witch, her behaviour did not change either. The witch just decided to lock her in a tower so that she can mend her ways but years passed and Rapunzel was still a nasty young lady. The witch would from time to time take food for Rapunzel and check up on her. Keyword 'from time to time'.

About twelve years later, 

Rapunzel is now seventeen years old, a young man was riding on a horse and caught Rapunzel's attention, but he did not seem to see her. This was the day she finally decided to wash her locks, so she was by the window combing her locks when she saw him. She instantly liked him, so she decided to clean up the place and decorate the tower for the handsome young man to notice her. The young man was a prince just riding through the forest, he rode by without even noticing the tower at all so which made Rapunzel more determined to get the tower clean. 

She dedicated the rest of her day to cleaning up the tower inside and out. I know that you must be thinking 'how is she going to get to clean outside?' well she just simply used a long stick with a brush at the end to scrub the outside. She threw water with fabuloso on the outside of the tower to make it smell and look good. If you are wondering where she got all of those things from then, please save yourself the worry because this is just a short story and even I don't know where she got those things from, maybe the witch but it can't be the witch because she only brought food; so it makes two, me and you wondering where she got those things from.

Anyway... let me continue with the story.

Next day, the prince came riding in the forest again but this time a night. Note, a day has twenty-four hours so night still counts as day. Rapunzel was however combing her hair by the window. She spent the whole day looking out for him but he did show. The moonlight was cast on Rapunzel's hair which now shined since she washed it thoroughly. It caught the attention of the prince as he turned his head.

He rode to the tower and looked up and called out, "Thou, fair maiden, let down you hair so I can see you beauty," more like ugliness, if you ask me.

"Who tell you that I gon' let down mi hair fa somebady me ain't even know," she replied, "Check round back it get one ladda."

And with that the young prince went around the tower, finding the ladder. He came round back to the front the ladder in hand and placed it against the tower. Rapunzel watched his every movement. He started to climb as he met half way the ladder split in half causing him to split his crotch and fall to the ground.

He fell with a thud and a split crotch. The ladder also fell upon him. You might think that Rapunzel would probably feel bad for him but no, no. She burst out laughing but however the prince did not hear for her laughter was not loud.

To Be Continued.........

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