Time to end this madness part 2

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Heyo warning this part is longish and I'm sorry if some parts aren't good

---------------------------You're pov----------------------

"I'm not gonna give up yet!" I yelled landing a punch right in her gut."You know (f/n) I was hoping you would've broken up or hurt luffy." "Why would I?!" I screamed as I charged at her."So he could be mine. It's just not fair that he chose you instead of me to join his crew first. It was probably because I was helping the marines. Even if he chose someone else they would be a better person to bare his children, but he chose you." She said sighing dodging my attack."How'd you know?" I asked shocked."Silly girl I know everything," she said grabbing my wrists and pulling them behind my back. I winced in pain."Now now we don't want to hurt the baby now do we?" She whispered putting one of her slender hands on my stomach. "What do you want from me?" "Your life," she sang rubbing my stomach.

"Even if you do kill me do you really think Luffy would actually want to be with you?" "I don't think you understand stupid girl. I want your life as in I want to be you." This sent chills down my spine."How can you possibly manage that?" "Quite easy actually. I just need to eat the mimic fruit and it will allow me to be anyone or anything I want."

We stood there for quite sometime until two marines came over carrying a chest and inside was a blue triangular shape with strange markings all over it."And lookie here I have one," she said with a smirk plastered on her face."Maita I-" "Oh shut it and just listen. I won't have any use for you after this, so you will be exiled on spot." As soon as she said this she picked up the wierd fruit. Before she put it near her mouth I squirmed free and smacked it out of her hand causing it to smash on the ground. Maita turned to me with full on rage.
The last thing I saw was blood.

----------------------------Luffy's pov--------------------

After taking care of my ships the only thing on my mind was (f/n).
"If she even thinks about laying a finger on her I wi-" "Luffy calm down she knows how to take care of herself," sota said while we ran torwards the ship (f/n) was on."I know, but I got this weird feeling in my gut that something bad has happened." I said not being able to shake this weird feeling. I know she can take care of herself it's just I fear something happened to her or the baby. Yes baby...lets just say that the honey moon was early.

After some time we finally reached the ship. On the ship was a sight I was fearing to see. (F/n) laying in a pool of her own blood barely able to keep her eyes open."(F/N)!!" I screamed kneeling beside her and placing her head in my lap."T-he ba-by," she studdered out tears falling from her eyes. My eyes widened as I looked up and saw maita carrying a baby in one hand and in the other a lifeless body. I looked closer to realize it was...Sota."MAITA!" I growled as she smiled in innocence."Hiya captain long time no se-" "Aw shut it," I snapped interrupting her. Placing (f/n)'s head on the ground slowly getting up. Maita is going to die even if it means I'm going down with her.

"It sucks that my brother and this bish got all your attention. All I ever wanted was for you to love me." She said with a pout."It sucks it had to come to this, but you have two choices. Those are be with me and my new adopted daughter or die with this sad excuse for a life." I looked at her with my daughter in her arms craddling her like it was her own. I don't know what made me more sick her demented thoughts or her face."Neither," I said plainly giving her a cold stare. She looked dumbfounded."What do you mean?" She asked eyes narrowing at me."I mean I'm going to kill you and take my daughter and (f/n) away from you."

"Then it's decided I'm gonna have to kill you." She said handing my daughter to a marine and he quickly ran away."I think it's the other way around," I said getting positioned."Luffy befor-" "Gumu gumu no pistol" I said getting her right in the face sending her flying. As her back smashed against the railing I could hear some of her bones snapping and she let out a pained scream."Gum-Gum Bazooka," I attacked before she could recover. She tried to stand but quickly fell back down."hehe...Luffy who knew it would end this way. The great Maita defeated only by two attacks. I was never a match for you captin..hehe." She said laughing letting her hair cover her face."Don't you ever call me your captin," I spat walking away from her putting my hat in front of my eyes kneeling beside (f/n) once again."S-i-r, I- thi-nk th-is i-s you-rs" I looked up to see a terrified marine handing me my baby. When I took her in my arms she was cold."Did you do this?" I asked pissed."no no! She was dea-d wh-en s-he wa-s tak-en ou-t!" He said waving his hands in defence. I stroked my girls lifess face as tears streamed down my face. I will never get to see her grow up, share moments, and bond with her. No she's dead and there's nothing I can do. Nothing...

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