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---------your pov-----------------------------------

"(f/n) wake up you're having a nightmare!" I heard someone say as Im being shook rapidly. As I open my eyes I feel something warm and wet run down my cheeks and I realize I'm crying."What happened?" I ask looking around the room seeing everyones worried expressions.

"You went uncontious again and you were having a nightmare started crying and asking why....we heard you metion it was your fault..." Chopper explained staring at me in concern."what were you dreaming about?" Luffy asked."umm...I dont want to talk about it." I said as I stared at my hands."you dont have to if yoi dont want to dont force yourself." Zoro said and I looked up and nodded glad that they understood.

"Can I just ask one thing?" Luffy asked "ya, what is it?" I asked questionably. "we heard you mention mom and you only talked about your brother and father...what's your mom like?" my eyes started to tear up again at the thought."Oops I didn't mean to make you cry you don't have to answer i-" I cut Luffy off by saying "I don't mind telling you about my mom." "really?" Luffy asked happily I couldn't help, but giggle at his reaction."ya I don't. Hmmm were should I start? Oh ya my mom she was nice, caring, adventurous, and never let anyone get in her way she was a tough nut to crack she always stood her ground even til her death. She always was looking for adventure, so when she heard about the One Piece she went nuts and immediately started packing. I asked to go with her, but she said I could when I was older. She left me, dad, and Micheal behind and set off. Five years later marines took over and my mom had no idea until they attacked her ship and took her. They immediately sent her to execution. My dad heard about this and he freaked out and quickly ran to the place of the execution and me and Micheal ran after him. When we got there my mom was tied to a pole getting ready to get blown up. My mom saw us and smiled and she said 'Always smile keep strong. Never give up and don't let others see your weakness. Live a little and have fun. Most importantly live without regrets let the mistakes you make be a strength. Stand til the end.' as soon as she said that her smile never left her face. The marines got mad about the fact she continued to smile.'what are you soo happy about?' one of the marines asked as he put a sword up to her neck.'I'm smiling because no matter what you do you cant get rid of my pride I will never just stop and give up this is just a new chapter.' and after that blood was everywhere the marine had killed her. But her words have never left me and I learned a lot from her." When I was finished telling the story I looked up to see everyones faces staring at me in shock and Nami's eyes were streaming a river of tears down her face."THAT WAS SOO SAD" everyone said in unison

Heyo, Author here just to tell you I decided just to update weekends and...ya...ummm...HAI see you next time hope you enjoy (r^w^r)

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