Chapter Five

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      12 am, Thursday, December 17th
                        Max POV
   We arrived at my apartment, when I looked over to see Y/n had fallen asleep. She looked beautiful. Wait, what? Get ahold of yourself, Max. I decided to carry her inside rather than wake her up. 'Crap.' I thought. 'Where is she going to sleep' I mentally slapped myself. I decided to let her sleep in my bed, and I would sleep on the couch. It probably wasn't the best idea, but I really didn't want to wake her up with the sound of the air pump for the air mattress. Besides, she was on an airplane for most of the day. Wouldn't want to make her sleep on an uncomfortable bed. I opened my bedroom door with my foot, since my arms were carrying Y/n. I laid her gently into my bed. She looked so peaceful. I planted a soft kiss on her forehead before walking out and closing the door. "Goodnight, Y/n. It was really nice meeting you." I whispered, shutting the door and getting settled on the couch.
                        Your POV
   The last thing I remember is Max laying me down on a soft surface, and then a pair of lips on my head. I also heard his voice, very distant. "Goodnight Y/n. It was really nice meeting you." And then the sound of a door shutting...
~ Another short chapter, I know, but there's something special for ya'll next chapter. It may or may not involve a new character, I dunno? You'll find out soon enough mah fwiends. :3
QOTC: What are your thoughts on a Christmas-themed type chapter (that may involve a little mistletoe, I dunno~)
LOVE YOU ALL! - Jord <3 ~

My Wish For You - a Mithzan/Max X Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now