Twenty six

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^ if you wanna know what Aric looks like and his outfit in this chapter, this is the closet picture I've found from Fate/stay night which resembles him lol

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It was nearly time for the full moon. I lay still, waiting, waiting for what was to come. Noah was back at the institute with Coven, they'd selected a few crossbreeds who weren't involved in the council's wrong doing to help prevent them from summoning Zara, but I feel like that wasn't enough to stop them. I stared blankly at the ceiling feeling like I shouldn't just be waiting, it was then that my room suddenly became dark, shadows crawled down the walls of my room, I rose carefully from my bed and hoped it wasn't what I think it was.

My head slowly turned towards the window and lifted the blinds, the sky was black, the moon was beginning to turn red; the prophecy was coming true. I couldn't waste anymore time, if I leave without telling my parents they'll think I've been kidnapped, I tiptoed silently into the weapons room. Yes we're a perfectly normal family with a weapons room.

I pulled out the simplest knife, which looked like a pen and turned into a knife, like Percy Jackson's knife; Coven said one day I'll get to meet him and believe me I thought he was crazy but he told me if Dragons exist, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon will too. Shoving the pen into my pocket, I ripped a piece of paper from my biology book and scribbled down the simplest words.

Gone to Institute

I love you


I stuck it to the front of my door and threw on a hoodie and shoes and kicked open my bedroom window. The night air was bitter, my heart was racing and all I could really think about was stopping the council from making the biggest mistake of their life and sending the world into 2,000 years of darkness.

The moon was slightly tinting red which wasn't a good sign, I raised my wings and jumped.


Third person POV

"What are you doing? Why are you doing this?" Coven demanded, his face turning red from anger.

Dominic cackled, his laugh bewitching "We're trying to save the world"

"You're sick" Noah spat. All the light in this institute had gone out, they could hear the rushing sound of students in the hallways frantically trying to resist The turned crossbreeds.
Crossbreeds who have now followed Dominic, only few crossbreeds remained loyal to to Coven.

They were in a formation you see, Coven in the middle, Noah by his side and the five most strongest crossbreeds in the A class.

Dominic glanced upon the five crossbreeds and laughed "A Minotaur, a dragon, a centaur, a chimera, a cerberus" he named all five of the crossbreeds before looking Noah right in the eye. Oh how Noah's anger boiled, how his fists turned white, his eyes turned red and his body shook, oh how much he wanted to end Dominic; once and for all "And a berserker"

"You won't succeed" came a small voice. All heads turned to the door, a small, fragile girl stumbled in, covered in bruises and Blood and not to mention angry. She spat out blood and stood up tall, wiping her forehead of sweat "You're pathetic to try anyway"

"Zoeanadra Rylie" Dominic grinned. "How did you-"

"Your guards are shit at keeping prisoners" Zoe told him. Her voice filled with venom.

Noah shook his head "Zoe what are you doing here? You need to leave, It's too dangerous"

"No" Zoe said abruptly and pointed angrily at Dominic with her bow and arrow "He took my brother, that bastard took my brother and I am not leaving this place without him"

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