Mal and Evie dropped me off at my room. My roommate was already in there. She had red hair in a single braid down her back. She was wearing a complete replica of the necklace around my neck.
"Hi. You must be my roommate." She said. "I'm Andrea, Anna and Kristoff's daughter. Everyone calls me Andy though. Feel free to call me Andy as well."
"I mean you no harm." I said, mentally hitting myself. I'm a fool, I'm a fool, I'm a fool.
"Scuse me?"
"My mom told me to tell you that I mean you no harm, because she has an idea that your dad told you awful stories about my mom." I explained.
It took her a minute, but eventually, she said, "Ohhhh. You must be Elsa's daughter. Don't worry. My dad said all good things about your mom. I believe that your mom was put onto the Isle unfairly. Everyone was so excited that Elsa's daughter was comming. In fact, I need to call Sammy, Oscar, and Kaley." Andrea said as she picked up her phone.
"And they are?"
"Kaley is my younger sister, and Sammy and Oscar are our best friends." Andrea explained.
"You haven't told me your name yet. We're sharing a room so you may as well tell me."
"Eleanor. But everyone calls me Elle."
"Okay Elle. Do you have ice powers like your mother?"
"Yeah. I just froze Beast's son to the ground."
"Why did you freeze Ben?"
"Not Ben. His other son, Blake."
"Oh, I guess that makes more sense." Then we heard a knock at the door. It was Tessa.
"Oh, hey Tess. What's up?"
"Um, you kinda forgot to do something." Tessa said.
I thought for a moment. "I forgot to unfreeze Blake's feet, didn't I?"
"Yeah, come on."
"Hey, where are you going? Sammy, Oscar, and Kaley will be here any minute." Andrea asked.
"I have to deal with something. I'll be back ASAP." I said, leaving no room for arguments.
"Okay." Andrea said.
When we got out, Tessa said, "Is that your roommate?"
"Yeah. She's Anna's daughter."
When we got outside, I unfroze Blake's feet. He immediately fell to the ground.
"Did you have to forget about me?" Blake complained.
"Sorry," I said. "Once I found I skipped yet another grade, it was go go go. I kinda forgot."
Blake grumbled as he walked to his room. Tessa's room was right next to Mal and Evie's. It took me a goos 10 minutes, but I eventually found my room. Besides Andrea, two boys and another girl were in the room as well. One of the boys had snow white hair with orange streaks in it. The other boy had grayish hair. The girl had long, curly, honey blonde hair, much like mine now.
"So, everyone, this is Elle, Elsa's daughter. Elle, this is my little sister, Kaley, and these are our friends, Sammy and Oscar." Andrea said.
"Let me guess, grayish hair is Sammy and white hair with orange is Oscar?" I said.
"Wow. No 'Hello' or 'Nice to meet you'? I guess things are different here then they are on the Isle. Anyway, yes. Grayish hair is Sammy and white hair with orange is Oscar." Said Kaley.
"Andy said that you had something to deal with. What was it?" Oscar asked.
"Funny story. I kinda froze a person's feet to the ground so I had to unfreeze that said person's feet."
"Who was this?" Sammy asked.
"Blake, the youngest son of Beast."
"Beast has another son?" Kaley asked.
"Is he cute?" Andrea asked.
"If you think Ben is cute, then yes, Blake is cute. He's the younger version of Ben."
"The younger version of Ben? He must be dreamy." Andrea said.
"Ugh, girls."
"Okay then." Oscar and Sammy said, clearly uncomfortable.
"I'm going to go find food. I've been living off of rotten meat, moldy fruit, and stale bread for the first 15 years of my life, and I want fresh food." I said as I walked out the door.
When I got down to the mess hall, a whole buffet table was set up. Immediately, I grabbed fruit, chocolate, and little pies. They were piled up so my arms were stuffed.
"You know," said a voice behind me. "It's not cool to steal in Auradon. Try putting some of that on a plate." When I turned around, I saw a handsome guy try to hand me a plate and help me up simultaneously.
"Um, thanks."
"You new here?" He asked me.
"From the Isle?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"A, I've never seen you here before and B, you're acting exactly like Freddy when she saw a buffet table forthe first time. The difference though, you didn't tell anybody to get their own buffet table."
"So what's your name newbie?"
"Elle. And yours?"
"Chad. What class are you in?"
"Same here. But shouldn't you be in 10th grade?"
"Skipped 2 grades."
"Oh, so your 15?"
"Cool. "
"Look, I have to go. I don't want my roommate to worry about me. Bye." I said, walking away from Chad.
"Um, bye." Then I went back to my dorm and went to sleep.

Descendants 2 (Twist Fate Challange)
Random*Twist Fate Challenge* Ever since I learned that a script for Descendants 2 was in development, I thought about how the movie and what would happen in it. So, I'm making a story about what I think will happen in the next Descendants movie. I own not...