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"Hey Ellie, I want you to meet my friends." Leo said.

"Um, why?"

"Because they're like my second family."

"Okay then. We should ask Grand Pabbie first though."

"No need. I already asked." Leo said as he took my hand and lead me to the portal room.

We stepped through and I was immediately surrounded by greenery and the smell of strawberries. Or at least, what I thought strawberries smelled like. What? I grew up on an island without fresh produce! How am I supposed to know what strawberries smell like?

Leo came through after right after me. He looked kinda panicked after he stepped through.

"Leo, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he responded. "It's just that the last time I was here, things didn't go well."

I started walking behind Leo as he looked for his friends. I fell back after I heard footsteps. I looked behind me and saw a person's arm. I grabbed the person's arm and judo flipped him over. He had shaggy black hair and gorgeous sea green eyes that any girl could get lost in. He looked like he was from the Isle, a MAJOR rebel.

"Ow!" The boy said. "What was that for?"

"I thought you were trying to steal from me." I responded. "You see, where I come from, people ALWAYS watch their backs. No one else's. Just theirs."

"Sounds like a fun place." The boy said sarcastically.

Then a girl with honey blonde hair and scary gray eyes walked up to us. Basically your every day princess, but scarier.

"Are you Cinderella's daughter?"

"What? No!" The girl exclaimed. Then Leo walked up to us.

"Percy! Are you okay? Ellie is kinda......"

"High strung?" The princess girl asked. I'm really starting to not like her.

"No. Oblivious. She's not from here so she doesn't anyone here. Percy, Annabeth, give her a break!" Leo told them.

"Leo, who is this?" Percy asked.

"My little sister, Eleanor."

"Sorry. Please don't set me on fire!" Annabeth screamed.

"Why would I do that? The worst I would do is turn you into a popsicle." I said, making a snowstorm in my hands. That made Annabeth back up.

"Well, nice to meet you Eleanor. I'm Percy. You already threatened my girlfriend, Annabeth."

"Call me Elle." I said, then Percy and Annabeth tackled Leo to the ground.

"Hey! Get off of my brother!" Then I shot a snowflake at them. That got them off Leo real quick.

"How can the daughter of Hephaestus have snow powers?" Percy asked.

"I got them from my mother, Queen Elsa. You know, the snow queen?" I said.

"Oh." Percy said as Annabeth hit him. Then she muttered something about him to stop being a seaweed brain.

"Where's everybody else?" Leo asked.

"At the training arena. Come on. I want to see how the others react to seeing you." Percy said, walking away.

"Some family you have here." I said once Percy and Annabeth were out of earshot.

"Give them a break Ellie. They're just mad because we weren't on good terms when I died." Leo said.

"What!?" I asked stopping.

"I died then came back to life thanks to the physician's cure that my dragon Festus injected me with." Leo said.

"Fine don't tell me." I said walking away. Leo followed behind me.

Once we stopped, I saw Percy and Annabeth talking with 5 other kids. One had shaggy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Another had choppy blonde hair and ever changing eyes. One looked like a linebacker but also like a teddy bear all at the same time. Another had cinnamon colored hair, golden eyes, and dark skin like hot chocolate. The final kid looked goth with his shaggy black hair and black clothes. Once we came into earshot, Annabeth motioned to me.

"Um, question. Why are we supposed to be mad at a girl?" The linebacker asked.

"Elle, move out of the way." Percy said. I looked behind me and saw Leo cowering behind me.

"No." He whispered.

"Sorry." I said then stepped out of the way. Automatically all 5 kids ran towards Leo and tackled them to the ground. Percy walked up behind me.

"You're not going to stop it?" He asked.

"From what I heard, he deserves it." I said.

"Welcome to Team Mad At Leo." Annabeth said patting me on the back.

After the squabble, Leo had many cuts on his arms. Not to mention a black eye. Then came the introductions

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Jason."




"Nico, Hazel's older brother."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Elle, Leo's little sister."

"Wow. Who knew that Hephaestus could have someone attractive as a daughter." Piper said.

Then Leo's phone rang. He walked away and started yelling. After a good 10 minutes, Leo came back.

"Elle, we have to go, right now."

"You didn't tell Grand Pabbie, did you?"

"No, I actually did. But,"

"But what Leo?"

"It's Mal. She's in trouble."

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