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I didn't ask for my life to be cosmically screwed. It just happened.

The night I found the book, I didn't sleep. I had a nightmare right when I went to sleep.

"So little princess, you found the lost book, congratulations! But trust me when I say this, your story is far from over." A voice said. Then I got covered in ice.

I woke up screaming, and light flooded the room.

"Elle, what's going on?" Andrea asked.

"Sorry Andrea. Bad dream."

"Okay. Try to go back to sleep. Night." Andrea said, turning the light back off.

"Night." I said, then tried to get back to sleep. I had another dream.


I opened my eyes and saw an old man sitting at the foot of my bed. Startled, I backed away. That failed because I was in my bed.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Not important. I came to warn you."

"About what?"

"Your life is in danger."

Okay, that startled me. How many times do you get a message that says that your life is in danger? Answer: Never. But here I got a message that says that my life is in danger.

"What? Why?"

"Because you found that book." The old man said, pointing to History Of The Isle Of The Lost by Grand Pabbie.

"I need you to listen to me, Eleanor. Everyone you associate with is also in danger. A great villain will come to school tomorrow. You and your friends need to get out of there. Or you shall be dead in two days time. Go to the troll grotto. You'll know the way." Then I woke up for real. It was the next morning.

I frantically grabbed my phone and texted Ben, Blake, Kaley, Sammy, Oscar, Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos, Doug, Lonnie, Freddy, Jane, Fay, Grace, Jarvis, Tessa, Victor, Haley, Harley, Chad, Hiro Jr., Brian, Lime, Ginger, Freak, Gi Gi, Jordan, Ally, and yes, even Audrey. Basically my whole class and my friends. I texted them: Meet me outside the school entrance. We need to talk.

I got dressed and waited until Andrea woke up.

"Andy, get dressed." I ordered once she woke up.


"Because, we're meeting some people at the school entrance. Now get up! We have to get a move on." I said as I walked out the door. I took the book with me. If my life was in danger because of it, I'm going to ask whoever is at this "troll grotto" about it. Evie was waiting for me once I got out.

"Did you have any weird dreams last night?" I asked her. Is it my fault for wanting to know if anybody else had any weird dreams?

"No. Why?" She asked me.

"No reason. Did you get my text?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Yeah. Why are we meeting outside? In case you didn't notice, it's raining."

"We can't talk about it indoors. Just grab an umbrella or something." I said as I walked away.

Everyone was outside when I got there. I climbed the steps and got their attention.

"Elle, what's going on?" Kaley asked, frightened.

"All of your lives are in danger and it's all my fault." I blurted out.

"What are you talking about?" Lime asked.

"Elle, are you talking about the book?" Evie asked. I shook my head yes.

"What book?" Harley asked.

"History Of The Isle Of The Lost by Grand Pabbie. I found that book yesterday and now we're all in danger."

"What do we do?" Mal asked.

"We have to leave. Right now."

We all ran off into the woods, running for our lives.

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