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When I walked into class the next morning, Everyone stared at me. Did I really look that bad? I did my best to fit in, I wore an ice blue T-shirt with black pants and a white hat. I walked to the other side of the room and took a seat. Ben walked over and took the seat next to me.

"You don't mind that I'm sitting here, do you?" He asked me.

"No." We were silent for a long time until he said, "Nice snowman."

"Um, thanks. I try to do something when I'm bored."

"That makes sense. How do you like it here in Auradon so far."

"Not quite sure. Everybody is so happy and cheerful, not at all like the Isle."

"Understandable. But if you don't mind me saying, you look like you belong in Auradon."

"What do you mean?"

"You're kidding, right? Your hair is long and curly and your eyes are big and blue. Bluer than anything I've ever seen. You basically look like a princess."

"Um, okay?"

"Have you never been given a compliment before?"

"No, why?"

"I'm just surprised. I thought you would be ucompliments."

Then Ben turned around and looked at Mal.

"Hey Mal, come over here!" He called. Mal walked over and looked at me.

"Woah Ellie! Have your eyes always been that blue?"

"IDK Mal, and what did I say about calling me Ellie!"

"Sorry. Couldn't help it." Mal said as our teacher came into the room.

"Hello class. I understand that we have a new student so could you please come up and introduce yourself?" The teacher asked as I stood up and went to the front of the class.

"Hi, I'm Elle, I'm 15, and I come from the Isle of the Lost."

"Ugh," one girl in the class said. "Another one? I thought all of the new VKs were supposed to be in 10th grade?"

"Audrey, she skipped two grades. She just skipped 10th and is now in our class. So get off her back about it." Ben said, sticking up for me.

"Why are you sticking up for her? I mean, what ditch did she crawl out of? Those clothes, that hair, she's just an evil little nobody."

"That's it." I said. "If you have a problem with me, take it up with me. I don't need anybody to protect me."

"I don't have a problem with you, I have a problem with your kind."

"My kind? What's so bad about my kind."

"Everything! You guys take everything away from people who really deserve it. You're worthless and that is all you will ever be." Audrey said as I ran into the hallway. I kept running until I came across a huge willow tree.

"Elle, stop running." Mal said behind me.

"Why should I, people are just going to keep insulting me." I said as I ran into a tree.

"You okay?" Evie asked, coming up behind Mal.

"Yeah." Then I looked down at my clothes. Sap, leaves, and other things were all over my clothes.

"Come on Elle, we'll take you to our room so you can get changed." Evie said, helping me up.

When we got to their room, Evie made me take a shower to get the twigs and sap out of my hair. When I got out, Mal and Evie laid out a black dress with a white collar on it. I changed out of it and Evie made me sit down at her desk. She got out a hair curler and started curling my hair. She found a white bow and put it in my hair. Then she put makeup on my face. She put on ice blue eye-shadow and cherry red lipstick. When she was done, I looked in the mirror. I started to believe what Ben had said, that I looked like a princess.

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