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We returned to the troll grotto. Before we left the Moors, Maleficent pulled me aside and said that big changes were coming, whatever that means.

"I see that the king and queen healed Eleanor." Grand Pabbie said, all official.

"Did you forget to mention that the king and queen are my PARENTS!?" Questioned Mal.

"I'm sorry my dear girl, but I didn't want to alarm you."

"You could've alarmed me less if you warned me!" Just then, Leo burst into the room.

"Calypso just found this." He showed me, Ben, and Mal the note.

It read: Hand over the keeper of the book, or I will burn your precious grotto to the ground. Hugs and Kisses, Beast.

"Who's the keeper of the book?" Mal asked. Grand Pabbie looked at Elle sadly.

"We aren't giving him Elle!" I yelled. "He'll kill her!"

Elle stepped forward. "Then that's a risk I have to take. I'll go willingly."

"You can't do this!"

"Why not Blake?"

"Because I love you and I don't want to see you die!"

Elle paused. "You what?"

"I don't want to see you die!"

"No, the part before that."

"I love you. I have from the very first moment I saw you!"

"I love you to Blake, but I have to do this. I'm sorry." Elle walked out of the room.

Ben patted my back. "You okay?"

"I'm just peachy." I said, storming out. I'm going to rescue Elle from my father, even if it kills me.

Sorry for the cliffhanger! I have a small case of writers block when it comes to this story, so if you have any ideas about what you want to happen, let me know! If I use your idea, you get a shout out! Thanks!

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